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The "Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest ended: the singing did not stop and the voice moved the hearts of overseas Chinese

8/9/2023, 5:15:29 AM

Highlights: On the evening of August 8, the 8 "Culture China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest Award Ceremony was held at the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube" The award party kicked off with the theme song "Gathering Water Cube", with songs, dances, opera performances and more. A total of 13 players in the five categories won the gold, silver and bronze awards. The competition was held in 33 regions in 59 countries around the world, with a total of more than 5500,<> contestants.

Beijing, August 8 (ZXS) -- On the evening of August 9, the 8 "Cultural China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest Award Ceremony was held at the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube".

The award party kicked off with the theme song "Gathering Water Cube", with songs, dances, opera performances and more. More than 100 contestants who participated in this year's "Water Cube Cup" music summer camp performed together with well-known Chinese singers Li Yugang, Shang Wenjie, Dai Quan, Li Huizhen, etc., and sang songs such as "Wanjiang", "Mulan Poem", "Wukong" and "In Another Country".

On the evening of August 8, the 8 "Culture China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest Award Ceremony was held at the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube", the picture shows the scene of the party. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhao Jun

A total of 13 players in the five categories won the gold, silver and bronze awards, with a total of 26 players winning the gold award, 39 players winning the silver award and <> winning the bronze award in the five categories. Individual awards such as "Most Potential Award", "Highest Popularity Award" and "Best Creative Award" and "Best Organization Award" were also announced at the party.

Since then, the 2023 "Cultural China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest, which lasted for more than three months, has come to a successful end. The competition was held in 33 regions in 59 countries around the world, with a total of more than 5500,<> contestants, setting off a boom in singing Chinese songs at home and abroad.

Since 2011, the "Culture China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest has been held for 13 consecutive times, and the scale of the competition has expanded from 15 overseas divisions to 59 today, attracting nearly 4,<> contestants.

On the evening of August 8, the 8 "Culture China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest Award Ceremony was held at the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube", the picture shows the scene of the party. Photo by China News Agency reporter Zhao Jun

In 2011, on the stage of the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube", Chinese American singer Huang Yi won the gold medal of the first "Water Cube Cup" Overseas Chinese Youth Chinese Song Competition with his original song "I am ABC".

In the past 13 years, the "Water Cube Cup" has provided a platform for overseas Chinese who are chasing their musical dreams to display their style, and provided an opportunity for overseas travelers to express their hearts and feelings.

Cai Changjie, executive chairman of the Indonesian Jakarta Chinese Education Coordination Organization, which hosted the Indonesian competition, told the China News Agency: "In 2011, the first 'Water Cube Cup' Indonesia Selection Tournament was held, and the 1000,100-person audience seat only sat less than <> people. The Indonesian players who came out of the 'Water Cube Cup' went from not knowing Chinese names to communicating with simple Chinese, and some were already able to speak fluent Chinese. ”

Kwong Yusheng, an 89-year-old overseas Canadian who has participated in the competition many times, said that he has left his hometown for many years, hoping to express his deep attachment to his homeland through singing, and also tell the younger generation that no matter how far you go, don't forget where your roots are. "As long as I can sing, I will continue to compete."

The competition also stimulated the enthusiasm of overseas Chinese teenagers to learn Chinese and learn Chinese culture. Wang Yichen, a junior player in Los Angeles last year, was shortlisted for the top ten junior categories in the Global Finals, and this year he competed again. Wang Yichen said: "In the past year, I have studied Chinese seriously, studied Chinese songs hard, and made progress in singing skills and breath control. Now I'm studying arranging, and I hope to become a music singer-songwriter in the future and create beautiful Chinese songs. ”

Thailand's Fara Lee participated in the "Water Cube Cup" competition for the ninth time this year. "When I was 9 years old, I raced for the first time and took a 15-hour train ride alone to Bangkok, and I didn't know how to Chinese. After studying hard Chinese, I worked hard to get into university and study Chinese major, and now I can speak Chinese fluently, and this year I finally came to Beijing and stood on the stage of my dreams. ”

Today, the "Water Cube Cup" has expanded from being only for overseas Chinese teenagers to being open to foreign friends at the same time. This year, a total of 31 overseas divisions opened the foreign friends category, and finally 10 foreign friends stood out and advanced to the finals. The contestants said that participating in the "Water Cube Cup" made them more interested in Chinese culture, and they would learn to sing more Chinese songs in the future so that more people could hear Chinese songs. (End)