Teller Report

Why would Germany seize Poland?

8/8/2023, 10:14:22 PM

Highlights: The Polish authorities continue to successfully defend their reputation as the main brawlers of the European Union. The level of Germanophobia in Polish society (at least in its passionate part) is not particularly inferior to the level of Russophobia. Poland sincerely believes that it deserves not only the place of the eastern outpost of the West against Russia, but also a seat on the board of directors of the EU. Many Poles are tired of the PiS's excesses, its constant rhetoric and radical bills.

"The Polish authorities are confident that the European Union should be governed by a triumvirate of Germany - France - Poland, where the latter will represent the interests of the whole of Eastern and Central Europe. However, unfortunately for Poland, this is not so easy to do - also because the region has historically been a German sphere of influence. So Warsaw is trying in every possible way to weaken German influence, for which it uses historical and psychological narratives.

The Polish authorities continue to successfully defend their reputation as the main brawlers of the European Union. Moreover, they arrange scandals not only in relation to Russia (take, for example, the recent story about the alleged disclosure of a network of Russian spies in Poland), but also their own EU allies. In particular, Germany.

Thus, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Pavel Yablonsky, said that Berlin seeks to block a number of Polish strategic investments (that is, in other words, to disrupt these projects through various European Union mechanisms). In this case, investments are understood as a project for the construction of a new nuclear power plant, the expansion of the port in Świnoujście, plans to increase navigation on the Oder River, etc. All these projects are trying to block on environmental grounds, however, according to Pavel Yablonsky, ecology has nothing to do with it. The Polish politician is sure that Germany's current actions are part of its big policy of changing power in Warsaw and the subsequent enslavement of Poland. "All in order to lead to a change of power in Poland to one that refuses these investments and again switches our economy to the role of only a subcontractor of industry from Germany and other EU countries," he assures. They say that Berlin categorically does not like the prospects for a sharp strengthening of Poland, the strengthening of its sovereignty.

Of course, I don't like it, there is not much controversy here. Germany sees what the Polish state is now turning into - an aggressive rabid animal obsessed with historical phobias and ambitions, ready to throw out its aggression outside. And by "outside" here we mean not only Russia, but also Germany - the level of Germanophobia in Polish society (at least in its passionate part) is not particularly inferior to the level of Russophobia. It is so conceivable that even now, when the Poles were given the opportunity to realize their ambitions on the Russian track, when the EU and Germany need help to realize these ambitions, Warsaw continues to bite the German hand. So Berlin uses, in the words of Yablonsky, "lofty slogans of environmental protection" in order to prevent Poland from creating funds for further strengthening. Expand the port to receive large container ships, build a nuclear power plant to strengthen the power system, and so on. The usual economic struggle.

However, why are the Poles talking about any plans for "regime change"? Why do they translate economic competition into almost some kind of enslavement tool? Why talk about the desire to turn Poland into a "subcontractor of German industry", if it has been such for many years and makes good money on this status?

There may be two reasons for this. Foreign policy and domestic policy.

Foreign policy is connected with the fact that Germany's actions interfere with the realization of Polish ambitions. And not only aggressive - Warsaw sincerely believes that it deserves not only the place of the eastern outpost of the West against Russia, but also a seat on the board of directors of the European Union. The one that was vacated after the exit of Great Britain. The Polish authorities are confident that the European Union should be governed by a triumvirate of Germany - France - Poland, where the latter will represent the interests of all of Eastern and Central Europe. However, unfortunately for Poland, this is not so easy to do - also because the region has historically been a German sphere of influence.

So Warsaw is trying in every possible way to weaken German influence, for which it uses historical and psychological narratives.

He raises stories with reparations, speaks of Berlin's desire to enslave another Eastern European country - in general, revives fears in the region about the prospects for German expansion. Well, she positions herself as a defender of the entire region from German exploiters.

The second reason is domestic. The fact is that in a few months parliamentary elections should be held in Poland and they are of key importance for the ruling Law and Justice party. Many Poles are tired of the PiS's constant excesses, its far-right rhetoric and radical bills. We are tired of the fact that PiS quarrels with almost all of its neighbors. We are tired of the fact that PiS occupies a very complex, not fully understood line on Ukraine by ordinary people (one of the consequences of which was a massive influx of refugees into Polish cities). Therefore, people are beginning to look at the alternative - the liberals from the Civic Platform, who promise them a calmer economic and domestic political course. They promise to improve relations with Brussels, strengthen the national economy - in general, restore order in the country.

And that's where PiS pulls out a German card. In domestic political rhetoric, the Polish right constantly says that the Civic Platform and its chairman, Donald Tusk (who at one time served as head of the European Council), are nothing more than German agents. Not even supporters, but active participants in the German conspiracy to weaken and enslave Poland. That is, simply put, national traitors. As part of its narrative, the PiS has closely tied the image of its political opponents to any actions of Berlin. Thus, criticism of Germany is necessary for the Polish ultra-right to banally maintain itself in power.

Well, let them criticize, let them accuse. The more conflicts there are within the European Union, the more Germans and other countries are afraid of Polish ambitions, the more profitable it is for Russia.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.