Teller Report

Public security organs in various localities dispatched 80,5 police personnel to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief

8/8/2023, 11:44:35 PM

Highlights: Since July 8, public security organs in various localities have dispatched a total of 8,7 police personnel to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief. The Ministry of Public Security also urgently allocated emergency equipment and materials worth more than 3300 million yuan to the public Security organs of the affected provinces. The Hebei public security. organs scientifically mobilized police forces to fully support the emergency rescue, evacuation and proper. resettlement of people trapped in Zhuozhou and other disaster-stricken areas. Jilin public. security organs carried out comprehensive investigation and rectification of key roads and key bridges and culverts that are prone to stagnant water, prone to collapse, and prone to flooding.

Beijing, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- Recently, many places in the country were affected by Typhoon Du Surui, and extreme rainfall occurred, causing serious flooding geological disasters, causing major casualties and property losses. This reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security on August 8 that since July 8, public security organs in various localities have dispatched a total of 8,7 police personnel to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

The Ministry of Public Security also urgently allocated emergency equipment and materials worth more than 3300 million yuan to the public security organs of the affected provinces to fully support flood prevention and disaster relief. The Ministry of Public Security requires local public security organs to put the interests of the people first, take the initiative to strengthen information sharing, coordination and linkage with meteorological, water conservancy, emergency response and other departments, pay close attention to flood conditions and disasters, timely grasp the masses' calls for help and help, scientifically deploy dispatching forces, race against time to do a good job in mass evacuation, transfer, resettlement, etc., minimize casualties, and restore normal production and life order as soon as possible.

Beijing public security organs dispatched 5,3 police to comprehensively strengthen various flood prevention and security measures, mobilized five police helicopters to Fangshan, Mentougou and Changpingdi to transport seriously injured patients and pregnant women and other affected people, and delivered 5.25 tons of food, medicine and other emergency relief materials to 12 disaster-stricken points. The Hebei public security organs scientifically mobilized police forces to fully support the emergency rescue, evacuation and proper resettlement of people trapped in Zhuozhou and other disaster-stricken areas.

In accordance with unified arrangements, local public security organs have effectively strengthened traffic emergency management during flood periods, deployed sufficient police forces to go online, solidly carried out traffic safety precautions and emergency rescue and emergency support, and made every effort to ensure smooth traffic in emergency rescue and disaster relief, and serve the public to travel safely. Jilin public security organs carried out comprehensive investigation and rectification of key roads and key bridges and culverts that are prone to stagnant water, prone to collapse, and prone to flooding, increased command and guidance, and opened up rapid channels for emergency rescue. Heilongjiang public security organs have strengthened consultation and judgment with meteorological departments, dynamically adjusted road surface services, strengthened traffic guidance on rainy days, and ensured safe travel for the masses.

In order to ensure a stable social order, local public security organs have increased police investment in conjunction with summer public security crackdowns and rectification operations, strengthened the maintenance of order in key parts such as emergency shelters, mass resettlement points, material storage and distribution points, and medical rescue points, severely cracked down on illegal crimes such as theft, robbery, picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and looting materials while taking advantage of disasters in accordance with the law, effectively protecting people's tranquility, and resolutely safeguarding the sustained security and stability of the overall social situation of the country. (End)