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Journal de l'Afrique - In Niger the junta requests the postponement of a visit by ECOWAS, AU and the UN

8/8/2023, 8:35:09 PM

Highlights: Less than 48 hours before the new summit of ECOWAS heads of state in Abuja, Nigeria, the Nigerien junta is seeking to strengthen its positions. The draft of a new constitution was approved by more than 95% during the referendum on 30th July last. Accused of crimes against humanity, Félicien Kabuga, alleged financier of the genocide against the Tutsis, was arrested in the suburbs of Paris in May 2020. UN judges have ordered the indefinite suspension of the trial and are in favour of a release.

Less than 48 hours before the new summit of ECOWAS heads of state in Abuja, Nigeria, the Nigerien junta is seeking to strengthen its positions. She appointed a civilian prime minister, met with trade unions...

The Central African President, Faustin Archange Touadéra, could run for a new mandate... The draft of a new constitution was approved by more than 95% during the referendum on 30th July last. There was little suspense. The opposition had widely called for a boycott of the consultation. She accuses the head of state of wanting to keep power "for life".

Accused of crimes against humanity, Félicien Kabuga, alleged financier of the genocide against the Tutsis, was arrested in the suburbs of Paris in May 2020... This week UN judges in an appeal process... Have ordered the indefinite suspension of the trial and are in favour of a release... Reactions in Rwanda with Clément Di Roma, correspondent in Kigali.

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