Teller Report

Comprehensive school in North Rhine

8/8/2023, 11:34:46 AM

Highlights: A comprehensive school in Windeck in the Rhein-Sieg district (North Rhine-Westphalia) has undreamt-of riches. Financial auditors have found significant irregularities at the school. The largest part of the sum – around 100,000 euros – was due to excessive parental contributions such as the "book money" The school had not spent the money on books and other learning materials as intended, but had kept it in the school account. The report will not be published, the authority said at the request of SPIEGEL.

A bulging school account, excessive parental contributions and a privately used Amazon account: financial auditors have found significant irregularities at a comprehensive school in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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The school had not spent the parents' contributions on textbooks to the extent intended

Photo: Ole Spata / DPA

A comprehensive school in Windeck in the Rhein-Sieg district (North Rhine-Westphalia) has undreamt-of riches. As a report by the NRW municipal examination institute showed, there are around 147,000 euros in the school account of the comprehensive school. This is reported by the »Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger« .

Among other things, the money is said to come from surpluses from school trips, which actually have to be repaid to the parents. The largest part of the sum – around 100,000 euros – was due to excessive parental contributions such as the "book money", according to the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger". Instead of the legally required parents' share of currently 34 euros per school year, the school had collected 60 euros over a longer period of time. The school had not spent the money on books and other learning materials as intended, but had kept it in the school account.

At the same time, many an item of expenditure had probably made the auditors suspicious. 6000,<> euros, for example, were spent on "activities outside of school" such as Christmas parties, writes the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger". In addition, an Amazon Prime account had been billed via the school account, which had been used privately.

Previously, the municipality of Windeck, which is the school authority, had noticed financial irregularities at the school. That's why she had commissioned the municipal examination institute to take a closer look. Since it was a "commissioned work for the municipality of Windeck", the report will not be published, the authority said at the request of SPIEGEL. As the Stadt-Anzeiger reports, however, the municipal council dealt with the paper in a non-public meeting.