Teller Report

Wind power workers help in search for missing 85-year-old in Näsåker

8/7/2023, 2:14:19 PM

Highlights: The search for the missing 85-year-old man in Näsåker continues. In Forsnäset in Sollefteå municipality, Missing People has gathered with about 60 volunteers, several of whom are workers at the wind farm nearby. Missing People's mission leader Mikael Klein says that there are about 40 foreign wind power workers who are on site and helping. Head of Police Operations: "Incredibly good cooperation" between the police and the missing man's family.

The search for the 85-year-old man in Näsåker continues. In Forsnäset in Sollefteå municipality, Missing People has gathered with about 60 volunteers, several of whom are workers at the wind farm nearby.

On Monday, a major search continues for the missing 85-year-old in Näsåker, who disappeared on Saturday. In Forsnäset, the non-profit organization Missing people is on site and is searching despite the rainy weather Hans has hit the county.

Foreign wind power workers

Missing People's mission leader Mikael Klein says that there are about 40 foreign wind power workers who are on site and helping.
"It's gold, they're good at being out in nature and are dressed right, especially in this weather," Klein says.

Head of Police Operations: "Incredibly good cooperation"

Madeleine Olofsson at the police says that it is an incredibly good collaboration that helps to search for the man.
"The workers at the wind farm have also joined, so we have a lot of people who are out searching," she says.