Teller Report

Three-way agreement for the re-election of María Chivite as president of Navarra

8/7/2023, 8:34:01 PM

Highlights: The agreement has been reached after a meeting that has lasted for approximately five hours in the Parliament of Navarra. At the meeting, Geroa Bai presented a counter proposal to the latest offer of the PSN and finally, after several hours of talks, the three groups have reached an agreement. The agreement would still be necessary at least the abstention of EH Bildu, although the abertale formation is considering giving even its favorable vote and has announced a militancy in that sense.

The representatives of PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin have reached an agreement on Monday for the formation of a government in Navarra so that the socialist María Chivite returns to...

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The representatives of PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin have reached an agreement on Monday for the formation of a government in Navarra so that the socialist María Chivite returns to be president.

The agreement has been reached after a meeting that has lasted for approximately five hours in the Parliament of Navarra.

At the meeting, Geroa Bai presented a counterproposal to the latest offer of the PSN and finally, after several hours of talks, the three groups have reached an agreement.

PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin add 21 of the 50 seats in the Parliament of Navarre, so it would still be necessary at least the abstention of EH Bildu, although the abertzale formation is considering giving even its favorable vote and has announced a consultation to its militancy in that sense.

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