Teller Report

Qinghai has taken rectifying illegal eating and drinking as a breakthrough point to promote reform through cases and go deeper and deeper

8/7/2023, 11:54:15 PM

Highlights: Since the release of the 'Ten Strict Prohibitions' on illegal eating and drinking by party members and cadres in the province on May 5, the reporting platform has received a total of 16 reports of problems, including 149 problem clues. Qinghai Province has carried out in-depth work to promote reform through cases, continued to deepen the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, rectified stubborn and persistent problems in work style. The Qinghai Provincial CPC Committee attached great importance to and resolutely made clear its attitude, fully supported the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Looking at the progress in the middle of the year丨Qinghai has taken the rectification of illegal eating and drinking as the breakthrough point to promote the use of cases to promote reform and go deeper and deeper

Website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Wang Shengxia Correspondent Yang Shengjun

"Since the release of the 'Ten Strict Prohibitions' on illegal eating and drinking by party members and cadres in the province on May 5, the reporting platform has received a total of 16 reports of problems, including 149 problem clues, and 31 party members and cadres have been dealt with." Recently, relevant responsible comrades of the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision briefed reporters on the implementation of the "ten strict prohibitions" discipline requirements for party members and cadres in the province to eat and drink in violation of regulations.

Earlier, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly reported the spiritual problems of six party-member leading cadres in Qinghai Province who seriously violated the eight central regulations. Qinghai Province has carried out in-depth work to promote reform through cases, continued to deepen the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, rectified stubborn and persistent problems in work style, and promoted the province's party members and cadres to continuously deepen the construction of work style.

We should change our thinking and be strict in our rules

The Qinghai Provincial CPC Committee attached great importance to and resolutely made clear its attitude, fully supported the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in handling cases at higher levels, and guided the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to seriously investigate and handle the case, seriously and thoroughly investigated the responsibilities of the parties concerned and the relevant responsible persons, and dealt with them seriously in accordance with rules and discipline and law.

The Qinghai Provincial Party Committee demanded that the vast number of party members and cadres in the province draw profound lessons, deepen the use of cases as a guide, earnestly use cases to clarify discipline, make every effort to promote reform with cases, and carry out special education and rectification throughout the province to promote reform with cases. The secretary of the provincial party committee stressed that we should first reform our ideology and deal with it from the point of view of understanding, truly remove the "stumbling blocks" in ideology and understanding, and issue the "six questions" to party members and cadres throughout the province on comprehensively administering the party and officials strictly. Party members and cadres in the province focused on the "six questions" and gathered consensus and unified understanding through serious analysis of party spirit and profound analysis and examination.

In the special education rectification, Qinghai Province has clarified 6 rectification measures in six aspects: politics, ideology, discipline, work style, organization and system construction, and solidly promoted the deepening of the province's work style construction. At the institutional level, the provincial party committee has established rules and red lines for resolutely implementing the spirit of the eight central regulations and correcting the "four winds", and revised a number of measures to implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, making it more strict and practical; The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision comprehensively sorted out the outstanding manifestations of the province's illegal eating and drinking problems, focused on the hidden mutations of illegal eating and drinking, formulated and issued the "ten strict prohibitions" discipline requirements for illegal eating and drinking of party members and cadres in the province, and published letters, visits, telephones, the Internet, and the "code reporting" supervision and reporting platform, widely mobilized the people to supervise, and promptly accepted, discovered and investigated the problem of illegal eating and drinking of party members and cadres in the province, forming a strong deterrent.

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Qinghai formulate corresponding measures in conjunction with the regional, industry-specific and phased characteristics of the construction of work style. The Xining Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has thoroughly investigated all kinds of makeover, hidden and hidden problems such as organizing tours at public expense in the name of training, put forward the "eight strict prohibitions on study and training" for party organizations and party-member cadres and public employees at all levels in the city, and put forward clear and strictly prohibited requirements for engaging in "detour tours", "hitchhiking tours" and "along the way" in training inspections and official travel.

The action is really tough and strict to the end

Dorje Xian, director of the Baoan Town School District in Tongren City, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and four others still gathered to drink during the working day after the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued the "Ten Strict Prohibitions" discipline requirements for party members and cadres in the province to eat and drink in violation of the law, and Dorje was first severely warned and punished by the party and removed from the post of director of the Baoan Town School District... Recently, discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions at all levels in Qinghai Province have intensively reported violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations and typical cases of alcohol-related problems, continuously sending a strong signal in the province to tackle the tough and strict to the end.

In the province's special education and rectification of cases to promote reform, the discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions at the provincial, prefecture and county levels have set up special classes for quick investigation and quick handling of illegal eating and drinking problems, and established working mechanisms such as centralized management, centralized study and judgment, key supervision, promotion review, regular scheduling, and reporting and exposure, with zero tolerance and severe punishment for spiritual problems that violate the eight central regulations.

From May 5 to June 19, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Qinghai Province, together with the public security and market supervision departments, carried out three rounds of full-coverage overt inspection and covert visits to the province, focusing on problems such as illegal eating and drinking, illegal use of public buses by party members and cadres and public employees, focusing on violations of discipline and law such as drunk driving, drunk driving, and unethical behavior after drinking. For suspected illegal eating and drinking problems, initiate a quick investigation and quick handling procedure, dig deep into the "four winds" problem behind the line, find out the drinking place, the reason for drinking, the participants, the payer and the source of expenses, and thoroughly investigate whether there are problems such as profit transmission, intercession and greeting behind eating and drinking. The Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture inspected more than 6,3 vehicles, and immediately handed over the problems of Ma Shengji, an employee of the Material Reserve Center of the Prefecture Emergency Management Bureau, to the discipline inspection and supervision and public security organs for verification.

At the same time, through docking with the Department of Public Prosecution and Law and other units, the clues of the problem of drunk driving of public officials since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China were comprehensively sorted out; Docking with the national taxation, market supervision, finance, and auditing big data system platforms, and comprehensively screening data on suspected illegal eating and drinking problems since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; Concentrate on sorting out and investigating the problems of illegal eating and drinking of party members and cadres involved in liuzhi cases, and target and correct and accurately crack down on the "four winds" problem.

Since the special education rectification, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of the province have reminded 136 people to talk and criticized the education for helping and handling 195 people.

Manage the "key minority" and drive the "vast majority"

The establishment of an inner-party political supervision and conversation system is a powerful way for Qinghai Province to strengthen supervision over the "number one" and other "key minorities." Under the leadership of the provincial party committee and above, on the day of the provincial meeting to promote the deployment of personnel by using cases to promote change, the secretary of the provincial party committee held a collective heart-to-heart conversation with the secretaries of the eight municipal and prefectural party committees on further fulfilling the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party and the responsibility of the first responsible person, demanding that we truly learn from the case, be vigilant and self-examining, be strict with ourselves, strictly assume their responsibilities, and strictly manage their jurisdiction. The secretary of the provincial party committee talks with the secretary of the city and prefecture party committee, the secretary of the city and prefecture party committee talks with the secretary of the county and city party committee, and the party committee at the higher level grasps the responsibility of the party committee at the lower level and compacts the responsibility layer by layer.

Discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions at all levels in Qinghai Province promptly strengthen education and reminders to the "number one" at lower levels in connection with political supervision, letters and visits, investigation and handling of cases, and discipline enforcement. Since the beginning of this year, the leading body of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has conducted face-to-face supervision and reminders with 56 "number one leaders." Dynamically update the integrity files of the "number one" and hold collective clean government talks with newly appointed leading cadres, further strengthen the sense of responsibility, the spirit of responsibility, and the concept of honest administration of leading cadres, and effectively promote the implementation of main responsibility.

"In party schools, administrative academies, and cadre training of all kinds at all levels, it is required to take discipline education as a prescribed action, and education in the party constitution, party rules, party discipline, and clean government as compulsory courses, and urge cadres to further enhance their awareness of discipline and rules." Relevant responsible comrades of the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision introduced.

While strengthening supervision over leading cadres, Qinghai pays attention to giving play to the leading role of integrity culture and education. Through clean home visits, we can talk and communicate with cadres themselves and their families, and strengthen the grasp and supervision of cadres' situation "outside the eight hours"; Invite the families of leading cadres to participate in the integrity forum, share with each other the stories of family help and integrity, etc., so that the family members of leaders can see the wisdom and learn more self-cultivation and family remedies.

"In the next step, we will thoroughly investigate and rectify the outstanding problems in the work style of party members and cadres in the province, and provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of the province with a strict and down-to-earth work style." Relevant responsible comrades of the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said.