Teller Report

Lai Qingde Plans to "Transit" the United States A number of overseas reunification associations expressed protest and strong condemnation

8/7/2023, 5:04:21 PM

Highlights: A number of overseas reunification committees have expressed protests and strong condemnation. The All-American Federation of Chinese Associations for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification and organizations promoting peaceful reunification across the United States issued statements expressing protest. The statement said that the DPP authorities stubbornly adhere to the line of "Taiwan independence" and negate the basic principle that both sides of the strait belong to one China. It is hoped that the U.S. and China will meet each other halfway, jointly build a healthy, mutually beneficial and sustainable major-country relationship.

Beijing, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- In response to the DPP authorities' recent announcement that Taiwan Deputy Leader Lai Qingde will "transit" the United States, a number of overseas reunification committees have expressed protests and strong condemnation.

The All-American Federation of Chinese Associations for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification and organizations promoting peaceful reunification across the United States issued statements expressing protest and exposing Lai Qingde's visit to the United States in the name of "transit" as a repetition of the old trick of coercing foreigners to seek "independence." The statement pointed out that any form of official exchanges between Taiwan and the United States seriously violates international law and is bound to have an extremely negative impact on peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The statement said that the DPP authorities stubbornly adhere to the line of "Taiwan independence" and negate the basic principle that both sides of the strait belong to one China, which has caused a grim situation in cross-strait relations. "Taiwan independence" separatism and peace in the Taiwan Strait will never coexist, and "Taiwan independence" is the root cause of undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The "Taiwan independence" separatist forces are troublemakers and saboteurs for the healthy and stable development of US-China relations.

The statement also said that it urged the US side to safeguard the overall situation of the stable development of US-China relations, not to develop any form of official exchanges with the Taiwan authorities, not to send wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces, and not to support and condone "Taiwan independence" elements and their separatist acts in any form. It is hoped that the United States and China will meet each other halfway, jointly build a healthy, mutually beneficial and sustainable major-country relationship, and jointly safeguard peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

The New Zealand Association for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification stated that the vast number of overseas Chinese living in New Zealand resolutely oppose any form of official US-Taiwan exchanges, resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" elements visiting the United States for any reason, and resolutely oppose the US side conniving at "Taiwan independence" separatist acts in any form.

The Council pointed out that the US side accepted the visit to the United States by politicians on the island, which seriously violated the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiques, seriously damaged China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and sent a serious wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. We firmly oppose this and strongly condemn it.

The Council also said that it firmly supports the Chinese government's position on handling the Taiwan issue and resolutely opposes any political moves and attempts by Western countries to split China. It is hoped that all friendly countries willing to develop together with China will firmly support the one-China principle and implement it in a down-to-earth manner, clearly oppose "Taiwan independence" and interference by external forces in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and jointly support China's peaceful reunification. (End)