Teller Report

GH 1's Ania Iglesias reappears on television and recounts the hell she suffers

8/7/2023, 11:04:28 AM

Highlights: Ania Iglesias has been diagnosed with a congenital blood disease, thalassemia. The former Big Brother star has also revealed that her boyfriend was unfaithful to her. The actress and model has not known if she has overcome the disease completely. Ania is about to premiere his new play, Divorcio a la española, which will be shown on Spanish television in the coming weeks. The show will also be shown in the U.S. on PBS stations.

It was the year 2000 when television arrived one of the great phenomena that would change television as it was known so far: GH. The first Big Brother...

It was the year 2000 when television arrived one of the great phenomena that would change television as it was known so far: GH. The first Big Brother marked several generations and also those first contestants: Ismael, Iván, María José, Jorge, Ania...

After several years disappeared from the media, Ania Iglesias returned this Sunday to sit on the set of Summer Party in which she told the hell she has been suffering for several years.

When Ania Iglesias left GH -she was the second classified of that first edition- she suffered a serious anorexia, which she managed to overcome, although always staying alert with food. Shortly after, when he was beginning to gain a foothold in the world of acting, he was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which he also managed to overcome.

After leaving GH and seeing the projection that had reached his public image tried his luck in the world of interpretation, getting to participate in the film The Great Martian or in the play Hamlet. He also wanted to continue in the world of fashion, where he had made his first steps before entering the reality. And although he was one of the television faces of the first decade of the new millennium, health problems slowed a television career that promised.

And now, about to premiere his new play, Divorcio a la española, he has been diagnosed with a congenital blood disease, thalassemia. "It's like you have the smallest red blood cells and it's hard for oxygen to be transported," Ania explained on the show.

According to the former big sister, it is a hereditary disease, but in her case it was never diagnosed until she began to have symptoms, about a year ago: "Last year I started with many symptoms: extreme tiredness, dizziness, tachycardia ... They did a routine exam and saw that there were complications in my blood and in June, after ruling out more serious things, including leukemia, they diagnosed me."

As she herself has explained, it is a disease that the body does not produce enough hemoglobin, an important part of red blood cells: "I have to take care of food, take iron and sometimes they may have to give me a transfusion."

However, this new disease has not been the only reason for a terrible last year for the actress and model. Ania church has revealed in Summer Party how her boyfriend was unfaithful to her repeatedly: "A year ago I began to have suspicions that something strange was happening. I tried to bring up the subject with him and it was impossible. We had a major crisis."

"I left Shakira small," the former big sister has sentenced. He always denied me things, we argued little but every time we did it was about the same subject."

Ania Iglesias confirmed her suspicions a few months ago thanks to the "solidarity" of several women with whom her boyfriend had tried to maintain relations: "I confirmed my suspicions thanks to female solidarity, I received messages from many women telling me that they had had something with my boy or that he had tried. I was told about it by women with whom he tried to have a relationship with them."

"To this day I do not know if I have overcome it completely, but I do tell you that I would not return with him because the one who is born piglet dies pig," said the interpreter.

  • Big Brother
  • Telecinco

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