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Coup d'état in Niger: ECOWAS convenes a new summit, Mali and Burkina Faso announce a delegation in Niamey

8/7/2023, 2:14:53 PM

Highlights: ECOWAS convenes a second summit of heads of state on the situation in Niger for August 10. Mali and Burkina Faso announce a delegation in Niamey. The Malian army announced on August 7, 2023 the sending of a joint Mali-Burkine Faso delegation in "solidarity" with "the brotherly people of Niger" The delegation is led by Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga, Minister of State, Territorial Administration and Spokesperson of the Government of Bamako.

A few hours after the expiry of the ultimatum issued by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to the Nigerien putschists, ECOWAS convened a second summit of Nigerien coup plotters.

Coup d'état in Niger: ECOWAS convenes a new summit, Mali and Burkina Faso announce a delegation in Niamey

A few hours after the expiry of the ultimatum issued by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to the Nigerien putschists, ECOWAS convened a second summit of heads of state on the situation in Niger for August 10. On August 7, 2023, the Malian Armed Forces (FAMA) also announced that Burkina Faso and Mali will send a delegation to Niamey, to "show the solidarity of the two countries to the brotherly people of Niger".

[Illustrative image] Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) at an extraordinary session in Abuja on 30 July 2023. AFP - KOLA SULAIMON

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The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has urgently convened a new summit of heads of state and government, Thursday, August 10 in Abuja, on the situation in Niger.

It will intervene a few days after the end of the ultimatum addressed to the putschists to return power and reinstall Mohamed Bazoum, overthrown on July 26.

This will be the second summit of heads of state convened in less than a fortnight, after that of July 30. According to RFI's sources, member countries were informed by a message from the ECOWAS Commission.

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This is a face-to-face summit, scheduled in Abuja, at the home of Nigerian Bola Tinubu, current president of the institution.

Things are not going as desired by the organization, with the failure of mediation attempts. From good sources, we learn that the putschists present the return of President Mohamed Bazoum as a blocking point.

On 5 August, the Nigerian Senate also expressed its reluctance to intervene. To this, we must add the criticisms and attacks against ECOWAS, with communiqués in Niamey.

Some prominent figures had confided that the decision to intervene had been taken and that another summit was no longer necessary. The response plan is ready, but it is not deployed. And the force command is still waiting for the ECOWAS order.

Faso and Mali are sending a delegation to Niamey, led by the Malian Minister of State, Minister of Territorial Administration, Government Spokesperson.
Objective: to show the solidarity of the two countries to the brotherly people of Niger.

— Malian Armed Forces (@FAMa_DIRPA) August 7, 2023

In addition, the Malian army announced on August 7, 2023 the sending of a joint Mali-Burkina Faso delegation in "solidarity" with "the brotherly people of Niger".

The delegation is led by Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga, Minister of State, Territorial Administration and Spokesperson of the Government of Bamako.

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The delegation is expected in Niamey. Niamey where, yesterday evening, shortly before the expiry of the deadline for the ECOWAS ultimatum, the soldiers of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP) announced the closure of Niger's airspace.

Decision taken in the face of "the threat of intervention that is becoming clearer," reads the statement.

The CNSP, led by General Tiani, warns ECOWAS against any interference in Niger's internal affairs.

Describing the consequences of a possible "military adventure" as "disastrous" for the security of the sub-region, the CNSP said that any attempt to violate Niger's airspace would result in "a forceful and instantaneous response".

As for the potential intervention of ECOWAS, the CNSP evokes a pre-deployment in two Central African countries without specifying which ones, indicating that any State involved in the preparation of operations against the military would be considered as co-belligerent.

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  • Niger
  • Mali
  • Burkina Faso
  • Abdourahamane Tiani
  • Mohamed Bazoum