Teller Report

Canarian Coalition opens to support Feijóo and transfers all the pressure to the PSOE 10 days after voting the Congress Bureau

8/7/2023, 5:44:32 PM

Highlights: Coalición Canaria (CC) is willing to support an eventual investiture of the leader of the winner of the elections, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The party that will have as a representative in Congress the deputy Cristina Valido transfers all the pressure to the PSOE 10 days before the composition of the Bureau of the Lower House is decided. If his vote joins the right-wing bloc, it would add one more seat than the potential partners of Pedro Sánchez.

New movement on the political chessboard: Coalición Canaria (CC) is willing to support an eventual investiture of the leader of the winner of the elections, Alberto Núñez...

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New movement on the political chessboard: Coalición Canaria (CC) is willing to support an eventual investiture of the leader of the winner of the elections, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, once ruled out "the participation of Vox in a future Government led by the PP".

In this way, the party that will have as a representative in Congress the deputy Cristina Valido transfers all the pressure to the PSOE 10 days before the composition of the Bureau of the Lower House is decided. If his vote joins the right-wing bloc, it would add one more seat than the potential partners of Pedro Sánchez, who would no longer be worth only with an abstention of Junts.

In CC they continue to show their willingness to sit down to talk about the problems of the Canary Islands "with whoever is going to present themselves to the investiture", which includes the acting president. "But one of our red lines, that of Vox in the Government, no longer exists, so it seems that this alternative of dialogue and support is opening," they specify.

For its part, the PP emphasizes that with the resignation of the party of Santiago Abascal to demand to be part of a Government in exchange for their votes has managed to ensure the support of its 33 representatives. In addition, they emphasize that today they have not only also achieved the support of the UPN deputy, but also "the Central Electoral Board has shielded seat 16, for a total of 137, for the province of Madrid."

"At this moment, after winning the elections with the best percentage of vote for the Popular Party since 2011, after rising 48 seats, and after being the first president of the PP to win the generals to the first and after only 16 months in office, Feijóo has 171 favorable votes to preside over a Government alone, " underline in the direction of Genoa.

Where they insist: "For that same challenge, Pedro Sánchez would have 50 seats less. It can add 30 if instead of a government alone it guarantees a coalition with the 18 parties that make up Sumar (among which are Podemos and the PCE). But to overcome those that would still separate him from Feijóo he would need the express support of the rest of the parliamentary arc."

"That is, Feijóo is five seats away from assembling a majority for a government alone and Sánchez could only avoid it if, after losing the elections, he tries what no one has ever done: opt for an investiture after being defeated and opting for it to the support of each and every one of the nationalist or independence parties of our country. " They add in the popular dome.

In this sense, they point out that Feijóo "will do everything possible" to expand his support in the coming days and to get the Congress of Deputies to invest him president "in case the King proposes to form a government as the winner of the general elections."

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