Teller Report

Karolin Ohlsson's dramatic craze – bloody in the face

8/5/2023, 12:54:19 PM

Highlights: Karolin Ohlsson had a dramatic middle distance in the World Cup. She ran to the finish line bloodied in the face after a scary fall. "I scrambled into a log that had a sharp stick that poked me right into my forehead," she says.See the pictures of Oh lsson in the player above. See the pictures from the Swedish Orienteering Federation in the video below. See more pictures of Karolin in the Player above. Click here for more World Cup 2014 news.

Karolin Ohlsson had a dramatic middle distance in the World Cup. She ran to the finish line bloodied in the face after a scary fall. "I scrambled into a log that had a sharp stick that poked me right into my forehead," she says.

Overshadowed by the Swedish top spots, Karolin Ohlsson made headlines when she ran into the finish line with blood all over her face.

"Oh, oh, oh, what's happened here? She has gone straight to the snout, said SVT's commentator Peter Jonsson in the broadcast.

Ohlsson was over eight minutes behind Tove Alexandersson in goal.

"I swerved into a log that had a sharp stick that poked me right into my forehead. At first I thought damn what water flows, but then I wiped myself with my hand and saw it was blood. But this is what it should look like, I'm okay, she says after the finish in according to the Swedish Orienteering Federation.

See the pictures of Ohlsson in the player above