Teller Report

Why flexible workers have a low participation rate

8/3/2023, 1:22:54 AM

Highlights: Survey of 1502 respondents released by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center Joint Questionnaire Network ( 77.6% of respondents believe that it is necessary to set up a special insurance system for flexible workers. High personal contributions are the main reason for the difficulty of participating in insurance for interviewed flexible workers, followed by difficulties in ensuring continuous payment and easy to stop payment. 55.7% felt that the personal payment was too high and unaffordable, and 57.5% of the surveyed flexible workers thought so.

Why flexible workers have a low participation rate

77.6% of respondents believe that it is necessary to set up a special insurance system for flexible workers

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's flexible employment personnel have reached about 2 million, such a large flexible employment group, how to solve the social security problem? What are the difficulties in enrolling flexible employees? Recently, a survey of 1502,<> respondents released by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center Joint Questionnaire Network ( showed that high personal contributions are the main reason for the difficulty of participating in insurance for interviewed flexible workers, followed by difficulties in ensuring continuous payment and easy to stop payment.

In this survey, 65.5% of the respondents were flexibly employed.

The high cost of personal contributions is the main reason why the interviewed flexible workers do not pay social insurance

In late July, the heat in Beijing was strong, and at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the takeaway brothers ushered in a short rest. On the streets of Dongzhimen, the reporter randomly interviewed several takeaway brothers, and when it came to social security, they said that there was no social security, and some takeaway brothers knew the "five insurances", but it was not clear which five they were.

Liu Hongliang, whose hometown is in Shandong, has been delivering food in Beijing for one year, and has not had social insurance, "There are old and young, although they can earn more than 1,1 yuan a month, but they spend more, and paying another one or two thousand yuan of social security is a great burden." ”

What are the difficulties for flexible workers in enrolling in insurance? According to the survey, 55.7% of respondents felt that the personal payment was too high and unaffordable, and the interaction analysis found that 57.5% of the surveyed flexible workers thought so.

Yuan Yang, a 25-year-old takeaway brother, said that when he delivered express delivery in his hometown before, the company paid social insurance, but stopped paying it after arriving in Beijing. Referring to the reason, he confessed, "It won't take long to deliver food, maybe one day it will leave." ”

Li Xianhuan, a 95-year-old post-<> writer who now lives in Huizhou, Guangdong, used to work in Beijing, the company paid social insurance, but did not renew the payment after leaving the company a few years ago, and is currently in a state of discontinuation. "I'm a little unclear about why I pay Social Security, and I'm not sure what I'm going to get out of it." Li Xianhuan feels that it is not worth spending thousands of yuan a month to pay social security after leaving his job, "Now I mainly think about getting cash in hand, and I don't think too much about the future." ”

According to the survey, the low participation rate of social insurance for flexible employees was 50.0% of respondents who believed that it was difficult to ensure continuous payment and was easy to stop payment, 38.8% of respondents felt that the system was not sound and the protection for individuals was limited, and 33.7% of respondents said that they did not know where to handle it and how to handle it.

Others include: in order to get more money (33.0%), the procedures for social security transfer continuation are complicated (32.4%), employers do not handle it (20.8%), and 4.9% of respondents said that they simply do not want to pay and feel that it is not necessary.

What are the inconveniences of not having social security?

The 28-year-old Zhang Fan worked full-time as a blogger after graduating from university, has been in a flexible employment state, and has never paid attention to social security issues. As he grows older, he frankly said that he will consider his future life, hoping to have some protection, "I am not in good health, now this job often needs to stay up late, the wear and tear on the body is relatively large, and I will consider joining medical insurance and pension insurance in the future." ”

"Food delivery is a high-risk job, and falls and injuries are common." Liu Hongliang said that the platform has limited the delivery time of each takeaway, because the delivery fee of each order during the peak period is higher than the general time period, riders will desperately grab orders during this time period, there are many orders in hand, and if you want to deliver it within the specified time, you must speed up, "I was hit by others a few days ago, rested at home for three or four days, and now I have to apply medicine every day." ”

Regarding insurance, Liu Hongliang said that when it goes online every day, the platform will automatically deduct 2.5 yuan of accident insurance fees, but Liu Hongliang is not very clear about what situation can be used, "No one reports small injuries, and I am not sure how much to report for major injuries." ”

What are the inconveniences caused by not having social security? According to the survey, 56.2% of the respondents were worried about the difficulty of being protected from occupational injuries, and 50.0% of the respondents said that they could not receive the relevant subsidies. Others include: affecting children's schooling in their city (47.1%), no pension when they retire (43.9%), and restrictions on settling down to buy a house (40.6%).

After 95, Zhou Junling used to be an anchor, she said that when she first entered the industry, she didn't know anything about social security, and she felt that it didn't matter if she paid it or not. And she found that there are many small companies that do not pay social insurance during the probationary period, and it is difficult for ordinary workers to protect their rights, and it seems that not paying social insurance has become a common thing.

According to the survey, 83.0% of the respondents were concerned about whether the employer paid social insurance for themselves when looking for a job.

"I want to buy a house in Chengdu, but the condition for buying a house is that I need to pay social security for two consecutive years without a hukou. So I've been paying social security, which costs about 1500,<> yuan a month. But Zhou Junling said frankly that his social security has been cut off for a while, "For freelancers, because of the lack of a fixed unit, it is difficult to ensure continuous payment, and they have also tried to open a company to pay social security themselves, but they can't afford it." ”

57.8% of respondents wanted to reduce the contribution base or proportion of flexible workers

Zhou Junling feels that for many flexible workers, if they earn three or four thousand yuan a month, but have to pay more than 1000,1500 yuan of social security, it is undoubtedly a "huge amount". "Although paying about <>,<> yuan per month is now the minimum payment standard, I personally feel that it is still a bit high. However, I don't know much about Social Security, and I don't know if there is room for downward adjustment. ”

To facilitate the participation of flexible workers, 57.8% of respondents hope to reduce the payment base or contribution ratio of flexible employment participants, 55.7% of respondents expect to break the barriers of region and household registration and allow participation in insurance at the place of employment, and 54.4% of respondents suggest dividing multiple insurance payment levels for flexible employees to choose independently.

Others include: adopting a combination of individual contributions and government subsidies, paying more and making up more and making up for less (50.9%), gradually eliminating obstacles to the transfer and continuation of social insurance across regions (49.6%), giving a certain buffer period for the suspension of social insurance payments, allowing supplementary or renewed payments (42.8%), establishing a one-stop digital service platform, simplifying insurance enrollment procedures (32.2%), and increasing publicity to make more people aware of the importance of social insurance (22.9%).

Li Xianhuan feels that there are now more systems, but some systems are not interconnected, which makes people feel more complicated and chaotic, which will form a higher psychological threshold, "When I was in Beijing before, I was particularly afraid to go to the hospital, because I was not sure if I could see a doctor at the scene, so every time before going, I would call to ask if I needed an appointment and what to hang." Li Xianhuan believes that the current social security system also has the problem of opacity and high processing thresholds, "If there is no company to handle it, it may be difficult to figure out how to pay it." Li Xianhuan hopes to establish a special website or platform, which clearly indicates the processing process in the form of a menu, so that the system is more user-friendly and convenient.

Zhang Fan is troubled by how to pay social insurance for individuals, "I have not understood social security before, I always feel that it is a very troublesome thing, such as where to pay, what procedures are needed, monthly or annual payment, how much to pay at a time, I don't know how to handle it, I hope to have clear guidance." ”

In the survey, 77.6% of respondents believed that it was necessary to set up a special insurance system for flexible workers.

Li Xianhuan believes that the establishment of another set of systems may have to be re-learned, so it is best for the new system to be connected to the existing system and form an integrated handling process.

Among the respondents in this survey, 00.21% of the post-8s, 90.48% of the post-8s, 80.23% of the post-6s, and 70.5% of the post-9s. 34.5% came from first-tier cities, 37.8% from second-tier cities, 20.2% from third- and fourth-tier cities, 5.5% from counties or towns, and 2.0% from rural areas.

(At the request of interviewees, Liu Hongliang and Yuan Yang are pseudonyms)

China Youth Daily / China Youth Network trainee reporter Wang Zhiwei Intern Lilac Xueyu Source: China Youth Daily