Teller Report

Typhoon Kanu is approaching China's eastern coast and will continue to storm The northeast still needs to be vigilant against heavy precipitation

8/3/2023, 2:42:44 AM

Highlights: Heavy rainfall in Northeast China continues locally with strong convection. Precipitation in Yunnan and Guangxi is frequent and will frequently hit in the next few days. This year's No. 4 typhoon "Kanu" has entered the East China Sea, and there will be continuous wind and rain on the eastern coast and sea areas of China. The public needs to pay attention to the near warning and forecast information, and avoid periods when going to mountainous areas. In addition, rainy weather in North China will still be more frequent in a few days due to the lag of the rainy days.

China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (August 8-3), heavy rainfall in the northeast will continue, Heilongjiang, Jilin and other places will have heavy rain or heavy rain, accompanied by thunderstorms, winds, hail and other strong convective weather. In addition, this year's No. 4 typhoon "Kanu" has entered the East China Sea, and under the influence of "Kanu" and its peripheral circulation, there will be continuous wind and rain on the eastern coast and sea areas of China.

Heavy rainfall in Northeast China continues locally with strong convection Precipitation in Yunnan and Guangxi is frequent

Yesterday, rainfall in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region continued to weaken, but the rain subsided and decreased, and rainfall increased and strengthened in the northeast under the influence of warm and humid air currents and cold air outside the subtropical high. Yunnan, Guizhou and other places in the south also experienced more obvious precipitation yesterday. Monitoring shows that heavy to heavy rainfall occurred in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, southern Heilongjiang, central and western Jilin, heavy to heavy rainfall in Xing'an League in Inner Mongolia, Harbin and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang, Songyuan in Jilin, Siping, Changchun and Jilin in Province, and exceptionally heavy rainfall in Yushu City in Changchun and Changling County in Songyuan, Jilin. Yibin and Luzhou in Sichuan, Xiangxi and Huaihua in Hunan, Fangchenggang in Guangxi, Lingao, Danzhou and Changjiang in Hainan suffered heavy rainfall.

Today and tomorrow, there will be heavy to heavy rain in the northeast, and there will be heavy rainstorms in the local area, this round of rainfall process is abundant with water vapor, energy conditions are better, and local convective weather is easy to stimulate. Frequent rainfall in the north, rain in the south also brushes the sense of presence, and heavy rainfall in Yunnan, southern Guangxi and other places will frequently hit in the next few days.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light to moderate rain in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia and Hetao, Heilongjiang, Jilin, north-central Hebei, Beijing, central and eastern Qinghai, southwest China, Tibet, Guangxi, Hainan Island, Zhejiang, Taiwan Island and other places, and heavy to heavy rain in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Heilongjiang, north-central Jilin and southern Yunnan, southern coastal Guangxi, southwestern Hainan Island, Taiwan Island and other places, among which, there will be heavy rainstorms in northeastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Heilongjiang, northern Jilin, Taiwan Island and other places ( 100~150mm).

Tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain in northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern and eastern Heilongjiang, central and eastern Jilin, most of Liaoning, northern Shaanxi, northern Shanxi, central Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, western and southern Yunnan, southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangxi, western Hainan Island, Taiwan Island and other places, among which, there will be heavy rain or heavy rain (100~120 mm) in northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, southern Guangxi, Taiwan Island and other places.

The day after tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, southern Shanxi, southern Hebei, north-central Shandong, eastern Qinghai, Yunnan, southern Guangxi, southwestern Guangxi, southern Hainan Island and other places, among which, there are local heavy rains or heavy rains (100~120 mm) along the southern coast of Guangxi.

Meteorological experts remind that heavy rainfall and strong convective weather in the northeast are coming, and the public needs to pay attention to the near warning and forecast information, and avoid rainy periods when going out. In addition, rainy weather in North China will still be more frequent in the next few days, due to the lag of geological disasters, even if the rainfall weakens, it is impossible to relax their vigilance, and the public should still avoid going to mountainous areas and other geological disaster-prone areas in the near future, away from rivers to ensure their own safety.

Typhoon Kanu or offshore turn There will be continuous wind and rain along the eastern coast and sea areas of our country

In terms of typhoon, at 5 o'clock this morning, this year's No. 6 typhoon "Kanu" was located in the East China Sea, about 390 kilometers south-east of Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province, with a maximum wind force of 15 (50 m/s) near the center.

In response to Typhoon Kanu, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province recently reinforced fishing boats. (Photo: Jiang Youqin)

It is expected that Kanu will move slowly north-west at a speed of about 10 kilometers per hour, and will turn to the north-east on the morning of the 4th in the offshore sea surface south of Zhejiang (near 123.8 degrees east longitude), tending to the ocean south of Japan, and gradually weakening in intensity.

Affected by the "Kanu", today, most of the South China Sea, the Beibu Gulf, the Taiwan Strait, the Bus Strait, the waters east of Taiwan, the East China Sea and the waters near the Diaoyu Islands, as well as the Yangtze River Estuary Area, Hangzhou Bay, the coast of Zhejiang, the coast of Fujian, and the coast of Taiwan Island will have winds of 6-8 magnitude and gusts of 9-10 magnitude, of which the winds in some waters east of Taiwan, the southern part of the East China Sea and the waters near the Diaoyu Islands can reach 9-12 magnitude and gusts of 13-14 magnitude, and the winds in the nearby waters passed by the center of "Kanu" have 13-15 magnitudes and gusts of 16-17 magnitude. Parts of the island will have heavy to heavy rainfall, and local heavy rainfall (150 mm).

There is still uncertainty about the "Kanu" path, which may turn northeast in the later stage. Affected by Kanu and its peripheral circulation, there will be continuous wind and rain weather on the eastern coast and sea areas of China. It is recommended that all coastal areas make defensive preparations, and ships sailing in nearby waters pay attention to navigation safety.