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The second season of "Crooked Nuts Take You on a Tour in Qinghai" was officially launched

8/3/2023, 6:24:30 AM

Highlights: The second season activities of "Meet the Great Beauty of Qinghai, Tracing the Beauty of the Yellow River" and "Crooked Nuts Take You to Qinghai" were officially launched in Xinqian International Plaza, Chengdong District, Xining City, Qinghai Province. The event invited Puya, a well-known Iranian blogger, Tang Yihong, a student studying abroad in Turkmenistan, and Le Gaixi. The content of the activity is divided into two sections: "Great Beauty Qinghai - Heavenly Jade Tree" and “Great beauty Qinghai – River Corridor"

Xining, August 8 (Reporter Li Jiangning) On the 3nd, the second season activities of "Meet the Great Beauty of Qinghai, Tracing the Beauty of the Yellow River" and "Crooked Nuts Take You to Qinghai" were officially launched in Xinqian International Plaza, Chengdong District, Xining City, Qinghai Province.

The event was hosted by the Qinghai Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Qinghai Branch of China News Service, organized by the Qinghai Branch of China News Service (Beijing) International Communication Group Co., Ltd., and supported by China News Network.

The picture shows the scene of the launching ceremony. Photo by Ma Mingyan

The content of the activity is divided into two sections: "Great Beauty Qinghai - Heavenly Jade Tree" and "Great Beauty Qinghai - River Corridor" of the Yellow River Culture; Taking the four tourist locations of Vientiane as the line, the four tourist sites of Vientiane such as the Jade Tree in the Sky, Crossing the Thousand-year-old Tangbo Ancient Road, the Style Salar Silk Road, the Lingxiu Jianza Yellow River Corridor, and the majestic and magnificent Kambula Bishui Danshan as the line, along the upper reaches of the Yellow River, enjoy the pleasant scenery on both sides of the Yellow River, experience the cultural heritage of the Yellow River, and create a boutique tourism route along the Yellow River.

The event invited Puya, a well-known Iranian blogger, Tang Yihong, a student studying abroad in Turkmenistan, and Le Gaixi, a well-known French blogger, to approach the Yellow River cultural experience site, feel the beauty of the source of the three rivers and the beauty of the river culture, and publicize it on the Internet through various forms such as eco-tourism experience videos and live broadcasts of "Yellow River Bankside Cultural Tourism", highlight the value of Qinghai's ecotourism resources, give full play to the advantages of Qinghai's characteristic tourism with an international perspective, and take building an international tourism brand as the standard to tell the cultural tourism story of "Damei Qinghai Ecotourism".

The picture shows the scene of the launching ceremony. Photo by Ma Mingyan

Qinghai Province is located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, named after the Qinghai Lake in its territory, which is adjacent to Gansu, Sichuan, Tibet and Xinjiang, and is the link between Tibet, Xinjiang and the mainland. Qinghai is rich in resources, magnificent mountains and rivers, with a long history, many nationalities and diverse cultures. It has an important strategic position in terms of ecology, resources and stability.

The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, and in the development history of Chinese civilization for more than 5000,3000 years, more than <>,<> years have been carried out with the Yellow River Basin as the center, and the Yellow River culture relying on the Yellow River Basin is the root and soul of Chinese culture.

Qinghai is both the source area and the main stream area of the Yellow River, accounting for 20% of the total basin area of the Yellow River, and is the main gathering place for the lives of Han, Tibetan, Mongolian, Hui, Tu, Salar and other ethnic groups.

Chang Hongan, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Qinghai Province, said in his speech that in July 2022, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Qinghai Province and the Qinghai Branch of China News Service jointly held the first season of the "Crooked Nuts Take You to Qinghai" activity. Through a unique perspective around the Qinghai eco-tourism route, in-depth experience of Damei Qinghai eco-tourism, publicity on the Internet all-media, all-round display of Qinghai culture, ecological beauty and humanistic beauty, highlighting the brand influence of "Damei Qinghai Ecotourism". It is believed that the second season of the "Crooked Nuts Take You to Qinghai" activity will give full play to the advantages of Qinghai's characteristic tourism with a new look, with an international perspective, and tell the cultural tourism story of "Damei Qinghai Eco-tourism".

The picture shows Chang Hongan, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Qinghai Province, delivering a speech. Photo by Ma Mingyan

Hu Zhongyi, director of the Qinghai Branch of China News Service, said in his speech that this event will present the development of cultural tourism in Qinghai from an international perspective, show the real, three-dimensional and comprehensive new picture of "Damei Qinghai Eco-tourism" at home and abroad, and have dialogues with foreign friends, taste food, appreciate scenery, describe culture, understand Qinghai's cultural heritage, and read the new appearance of Damei Qinghai.

"I am very looking forward to this trip, the route of this event is very rich in cultural content, I will record what I see and hear, and introduce Damei Qinghai to more friends." Puya said.

The picture shows Puya, a well-known Iranian blogger, speaking. Photo by Ma Mingyan

The event lasted for 7 days, and media such as China News Service Qinghai Branch, China Tourism Daily Qinghai Reporter Station, Dubai News Network and other media will trace the origin of the Yellow River together with local cultural tourism recommendation officials, intangible heritage inheritors and foreign guests, feel the Yellow River culture, and experience the ecological beauty, diversified beauty and wild beauty with Qinghai cultural characteristics. (End)