Teller Report

Should you order takeaway on a rainstorm day, netizens quarreled

8/3/2023, 11:02:49 AM

Highlights: Heavy rain in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other places has been pouring down. Some netizens believe that extreme weather should not order takeaway, "do not want to cause trouble to riders" Riders are paid according to the delivery volume, and on rainstorm days, the amount of orders is large. Some riders said that customers will not urge orders on rainstorms, and will remark 'the road is slippery on rainy days, pay attention to safety' when placing orders.

Beijing, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- Recently, heavy rain in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other places has been pouring down, and whether or not to order takeaway in extreme weather has become a hot topic of discussion. The contradiction between the concern for the personal safety of takeaway riders and the objective situation of inconvenience to go out has made some netizens in a dilemma when ordering takeaway.

Should I order takeout on a rainstorm? For the answer to this question, riders and netizens have their own considerations, but they all go the same way.

Data map: On June 6, heavy rain suddenly fell in Beijing, easing the high temperature weather in the past few days. The picture shows a delivery worker working in the rain. Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

Riders on rainstorm days: "Hope to earn money, but safety first"

For Mr. Sun, a takeaway platform rider, Beijing's heavy rain in the past few days is thrilling.

"The delivery time of the platform will be longer in these two days, such as the usual 40 minutes, and the two days are 50 minutes to 1 hour." Mr. Sun mentioned to that in recent days, in addition to the extension of the delivery time, the overtime record will also be removed in the background, which will not affect the assessment and salary. In addition, there is a corresponding subsidy for each order sent.

However, compared with other platforms' subsidies ranging from two to five yuan per order, Mr. Sun received subsidies of only five cents per order, which is "equivalent to nothing."

"Unless you take leave, you have to come out in bad weather to run the bill, and if you don't come out, you will be fined 200 yuan directly." Mr. Sun said that he is eager to earn more money, but he feels that in this weather, even if he earns less, even if he does not make money on this day's rest, he is willing.

Heavy rain days are indeed prone to accidents. Mr. Sun mentioned: "The videos you see of riders delivering food with waist water are not jokes, they are real. "As long as the order is within the 5-kilometer delivery range, no matter how bad the weather environment, it can only be accepted, so Mr. Sun also had a dispute with the station manager.

Data map: On June 6, heavy rain suddenly fell in Beijing, easing the high temperature weather in the past few days. The picture shows a delivery worker picking up a fallen electric car in the rain. Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

"Platforms like rainy days, and they want data." Mr. Sun bluntly said that riders eat "data rice". In the face of heavy rain and platform explosions, riders have to fight against the constantly passing time to make their data look better.

There are also riders who want to take more orders on rainstorms. Riders are paid according to the delivery volume, and on rainstorm days, the amount of orders is large, and the platform will extend the delivery time and give riders subsidies. Some riders said that customers will not urge orders on rainstorms, and will remark 'the road is slippery on rainy days, pay attention to safety' when placing orders, etc., and some customers deliver milk to riders.

Should I order takeout? Netizen: "Don't want to cause trouble for riders"

On this rainy day, netizens paid more attention to the group of delivery workers.

Some netizens said that on rainstormy days, they don't care whether the rider times out, will not urge the order, and will not give a bad review to the rider who has timed out, as long as the rider is delivered safely. Some netizens believe that extreme weather should not order takeaway, "do not want to cause trouble to riders".

Ms. Zhao, a Beijing resident, has a different view. She believes that if there is no rider who takes the order during the rainstorm, she will not complain and complain, but since someone takes the order, it means that the rider wants to make this money.

"If the rider decides to go out, he is already out whether you order it or not, so in the case of someone taking the order, I think it can be ordered." Ms. Zhao said.

Ms. Yan also expressed her thoughts to "Can the single rider sent by the platform choose not to pick it up on a rainstorm day? If the rider doesn't have a choice, it shouldn't be pointed. ”

She said that her thoughts on the question of whether to order takeout on rainstorm days depend on whether riders have the right to refuse orders in areas with extreme rainstorms.

Point or not, people are thinking about the rider. As one netizen said, "one side considers the benefits of the rider, and the other party considers the safety of the rider, there is no right or wrong".

In recent years, the relationship between takeaway riders and platforms has aroused widespread public concern, and calls for takeaway platforms to relax restrictions on riders have become increasingly loud.

Data map: On June 6, heavy rain suddenly fell in Beijing, easing the high temperature weather in the past few days. The picture shows a delivery worker working in the rain. Photo by China News Agency reporter Yi Haifei

In this regard, Meituan said that in order to cope with heavy rain, the platform has launched a "special weather protection mechanism", and each station will pay attention to the road conditions and orders in each delivery area in real time, and help riders reduce delivery pressure by extending delivery time, shortening delivery distance, eliminating overtime bad reviews, and increasing order subsidies. In the event of extreme rainstorms, Meituan Takeaway will temporarily suspend delivery services in this area to ensure the safety of riders. said that it recently distributed rainproof and waterproof equipment such as mobile phone waterproof bags and raincoats to riders, and also prepared ginger soup, hot tea, cold medicine and medical kits for riders at the site to provide logistical support. (End)