Teller Report

Mario Biondo's parents blast against Netflix documentary: "They have used torticeros methods"

8/3/2023, 9:25:21 AM

Highlights: The parents of Mario Biondo, husband of the presenter Raquel Sánchez Silva, have announced that they will initiate legal action against the producer of the documentary. They feel "deceived" and manipulated. They are waiting to watch the three episodes and see their media impact as they consider that it can affect their reputation. María Pulido, director of the series, assured this newspaper that "this case is still alive thanks to the controversies" The documentary premieres on Netflix on Thursday at 9pm.

The premiere this Thursday on Netflix of the documentary series The Last Hours of Mario Biondo is loaded with controversy. The parents of Mario Biondo, husband of the presenter Raquel...

  • Documentary What happened in the last hours of Mario Biondo? "I can't be at peace and I'm not going to let them be."

The premiere this Thursday on Netflix of the documentary series The Last Hours of Mario Biondo is loaded with controversy. The parents of Mario Biondo, husband of the presenter Raquel Sánchez Silva, have announced that they will initiate legal action against the producer of the documentary considering that they feel "deceived" and manipulated. Therefore, they are waiting to watch the three episodes and see their media impact as they consider that it can affect their reputation.

According to Vosseler Abogados, the legal representatives of Mario's parents, Santina D'Alessandro and Pippo Biondo, in 2022 signed an agreement with the Spanish podcast production company The Voice Village to make a series about the death of their son. In this way, they agreed to several interviews with the staff of the production company and even delivered documents and information "very sensitive" and "until that moment confidential" about the judicial process initiated in the Court of Palermo regarding the death of Biondo on May 30, 2013 at his home in Madrid.



What happened in Mario Biondo's last hours? "I can't be at peace and I'm not going to let them be."

  • Writing: ESTHER MUCIENTES Madrid

What happened in Mario Biondo's last hours? "I can't be at peace and I'm not going to let them be."

However, Santina and Pippo say that after their participation in the documentary they learned that the producer behind the series was Manguera Films and remark that one of their "direct responsible was and continues to be Guillermo Gómez, former manager of Raquel Sánchez Silva, widow of Mario Biondo". That is why they claim that they would never have appeared in a documentary "about the death of their son if they had known who was behind its production."

María Pulido, director of the documentary assured this newspaper a few days before the premiere of the last hours of Mario Biondo that "this case is still alive thanks to the controversies". Pulido confirmed that "Santina and Pippo are in the documentary, along with Andrea and Emanuela, Mario's siblings. In fact, it is his story that is the backbone of chapters 1 and 2."

Regarding whether they knew that Guillermo Gómez, former manager of Raquel Sánchez Silva and the reason why the family has exploded, is a partner of the producer, María understands that Biondo's parents "were not aware, when they have made these statements."

However, he assures that "when the production company proposed to participate they took time to consult with their lawyers and, when they agreed, they expressed what their conditions were. I was surprised, especially being well advised as they are, that they found out later and not before signing the contract."

Santina's lawyers point out that they have not seen the final assembly of the production before its broadcast "despite asking the issuer (Netflix)". "In the same way, we have not had knowledge of the use and / or destination that has been given to the information that was provided at the time, nor to the statements they made before the cameras." That is why they believe that they were "manipulated" by the production company The Voice Village and believe that "Manguera Films has always been behind the production of the 'docuseries'".

In addition, the lawyers point out that "in order to access the family and for it to transfer documentation and sensitive information, unethical and devious methods have been used. We believe that it is not right to take advantage of the pain caused by the worst tragedy that a family can suffer, the loss of a child, to get media impact."


The family just wants to know the truth of what happened, and thus close, not forget, a very hard stage of their lives. And documentaries like this could distort this truth, the only purpose pursued, "they said from the law firm.

Raquel Sánchez Silva and Mario Biondo on their wedding day.EL MUNDO

Now they will analyze "in detail the content of the three chapters in which the production The Last Hours of Mario Biondo consists" to determine "the actions it deems appropriate in the face of possible bias, if any, in the production, based on inaccuracies, inconcretions or manipulations of the information provided by Mario's family. "

Biondo's death 10 years ago was considered a suicide by a Madrid court and the case was filed, although the family of the deceased believes that the investigation could have been allegedly contaminated. Therefore, they filed a complaint with the Court of Palermo that urged the Spanish Justice to better investigate this suicide. In this way, for months a court in Madrid has been studying the request for reopening the case by Santina and her lawyers.

  • Netflix

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