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Interview with the person in charge of Jiangsu Blue Sky Rescue Team: Where are the difficulties in Zhuozhou's rescue?

8/3/2023, 1:54:12 PM

Highlights: The Jiangsu Blue Sky Rescue Team is one of the first provincial forces to advance to Zhuozhou for rescue. On August 8 alone, about 2,2600 villagers from Tong and Dashakan villages were moved to safety with the help of rescue teams. Different villages and towns are separated by stagnant water due to the large amount of water. For Xu Wenjie's rescue team, it is still difficult to go to the gas station to refuel. Hebei Weather issued a forecast at 8 o'clock on August 3: tomorrow during the day, southern Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding, Xiong'an New Area, Langfang, Cangzhou, western Hengshui, western Xingtai cloudy with thunderstorms or showers.

China News Network, August 8 (Gong Hongyu, Zhai Lu) "We have also saved floods and mudslides in the past, but we have never encountered such a sudden and rapid water surge as Zhuozhou. We can only connect small boats into large ships to ensure safety. Xu Wenjie, head of the Jiangsu Blue Sky Rescue Team, said in an interview with

The flood situation in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province continues to attract attention, and the Jiangsu Blue Sky Rescue Team is one of the first provincial forces to advance to Zhuozhou for rescue. On August 8 alone, about 2,2600 villagers from Tong and Dashakan villages in Zhuozhou were moved to safety with the help of rescue teams.

On the 2nd, rescuers carried an elderly man wading through the water to transfer. Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

"When we entered the village, we found that the first floor had been flooded, and people ran to the second floor to wait for rescue. There are elderly people with underlying diseases, as well as children, who do not have medicines and milk powder. Xu Wenjie described the scene he saw when he first arrived in the same village.

Faced with this situation, Xu Wenjie and his team members prioritized and transferred vulnerable groups, and helped them find medicine and food, "The villagers are also very orderly, under the guidance of village cadres, let the elderly and children evacuate first." ”

On the 3rd, a place in Zhuozhou was cleaning up silt. Photo courtesy of Zhuozhou citizens

It is worth mentioning that as the head of the Jiangsu Blue Sky Rescue Team, Xu Wenjie has participated in many operations, including the rescue of the "7.20 Zhengzhou Heavy Rainstorm", and has rich experience in rescue.

"One of the difficulties in this round of rescue in Zhuozhou is that the water rises suddenly and the current is relatively rapid. At the same time, the village roads in Zhuozhou are relatively narrow and not as spacious as in Zhengzhou, making it difficult for boats to enter and exit. Yang Wenjie mentioned.

A car soaking in water near the Emerald City community in Zhuozhou. Photo courtesy of Zhuozhou citizens

In addition, refueling became a problem due to power outages. Although many gas stations in Zhuozhou offer free help to rescue teams, different villages and towns are separated by stagnant water due to the large amount of water in Zhuozhou. For Xu Wenjie's rescue team, it is still difficult to go to the gas station to refuel.

"At present, the amount of oil is still sufficient, and later through the people of Zhuozhou, as well as the personnel of our second and third echelons, we will bring the oil to help us over." Xu Wenjie said.

Compared with these difficulties, Xu Wenjie is more worried that there may be new rainfall in Zhuozhou next, "We have to take advantage of the good weather and transfer as many people as possible." ”

"Hebei Weather" issued a forecast at 8 o'clock on August 3: tomorrow during the day, southern Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding, Xiong'an New Area, Langfang, Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, western Hengshui, western Xingtai cloudy with thunderstorms or showers, of which southern Chengde, northern Tangshan, southern Baoding, Xiong'an New Area, Langfang, Shijiazhuang, western Cangzhou have moderate to heavy rain, individual locations have heavy rain, thunderstorms are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, short-term strong winds and other strong convective weather.

Rescue team members rest and eat on the side of the road. Photo courtesy of Zhuozhou citizens

At present, the rescue work in Zhuozhou is continuing, and rescue teams from Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei, Shanxi and other regions like Xu Wenjie are helping Zhuozhou evacuate the affected people and transport supplies.

After talking to reporters, the Jiangsu Blue Sky Rescue Team will soon carry out a new round of rescue in Diaowo Town. It is understood that Diawo Town is currently the most seriously affected place in Zhuozhou, and there is still a lot of stagnant water.

Zhuozhou citizens spontaneously prepared a meal for the rescue team. Photo courtesy of Zhuozhou citizens

"During the rescue process, some citizens of Zhuozhou came to bring us food. Zhuozhou Geophysical Primary School also prepared a place for us to live and simple dry food. Xu Wenjie said. (End)