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Can the water ingress of the vehicle be judged by the indicator light? Electric vehicles need to be wary of this operation after soaking in video

8/3/2023, 3:33:53 AM

Highlights: Can the water ingress of the vehicle be judged by the indicator light? Electric vehicles need to be wary of this operation after soaking in water. After the electric vehicle enters the water, it is also necessary to be alert to the risk of electric leakage. Most of our current new energy vehicles have a working voltage of 400 volts, and a small number of high-end vehicles have launched 800 volts working voltage cars. If you disconnect this pin of this power supply for the first time, you can avoid this (leakage)

Can the water ingress of the vehicle be judged by the indicator light? Electric vehicles need to be wary of this operation after soaking in water

【Commentary】Recently, many places across the country have suffered from large-scale heavy rain, and some citizens' vehicles have been damaged after entering water or wading in water. How to judge, self-check whether the vehicle is in water, and how should the vehicle operate after wading in the water? Zhang Xiang, a researcher at the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology, said that vehicle water ingress cannot be judged only by the indicator lights on the dashboard, but by comprehensive assessment in combination with the external environment.

【During the same period】Zhang Xiang, researcher of the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology

At present, in ordinary passenger cars, we cannot judge whether the car is flooded by the indicator light, if it is really submerged deeply, call the insurance company at this time, do not judge by yourself. (Judgment) whether there is water accumulation, you need to disassemble the car to see it, because now our cars are not specially designed with this kind of sensor. Most of the water ingress can be understood according to some of the on-site conditions they have, such as whether the surrounding vehicles are flooded, mainly through some external information to judge.

Zhang Xiang pointed out that after the vehicle is flooded, there is water and silt in the intake and exhaust systems, and it can be preliminarily judged whether it is water entering through "sound" and "jitter".

【During the same period】Zhang Xiang, researcher of the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology

After (the vehicle) enters the water, our intake system and exhaust system have water in it, and there is silt, and if this is blocked, the engine may have relatively large intake and exhaust resistance, one is (will) make a relatively loud noise, and the second will even shake. If gravel enters the engine, such as the cylinder, and rubs against the piston, it will cause damage to the engine and the car's power system. Therefore, the owner cannot restart the vehicle and drive the car away after the flooding incident of the car, (otherwise) it may cause irreparable damage to the vehicle.

Zhang Xiang said that at present, whether it is a fuel vehicle or an electric vehicle, there is no "water ingress" detection system. After the electric vehicle enters the water, it is also necessary to be alert to the risk of electric leakage.

【During the same period】Zhang Xiang, researcher of the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology

If the train gets flooded, if we rush (from the outside) to open the door, there is a risk of electric shock. Most of our current new energy vehicles have a working voltage of 400 volts, and a small number of high-end vehicles have launched 800 volts working voltage cars, the higher the voltage, it is easy to leak. For new energy vehicles, after entering the water, if you disconnect this pin of this power supply for the first time, you can avoid this (leakage).

(Reporting by Li Jiali in Beijing)

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]