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Beijing's Mentougou after the flood: Roads are being opened one after another, rescue continues-China News Network video

8/3/2023, 5:52:46 AM

Highlights: Beijing's Mentougou after the flood: roads are being opened one after another, and rescue continues. At present, the villages that were initially trapped have received supplies, and roads interrupted by the floods are gradually being opened to traffic. In some villages that have not yet reached the conditions for opening to traffic, materials are being delivered in an orderly manner by manual delivery. In the past few days, the roads around Chenjiazhuang have all been washed off, and it doesn't matter if you don't wash your face.

Beijing's Mentougou after the flood: roads are being opened one after another, and rescue continues

On August 8, reporters from the China News Agency visited different disaster-stricken points in Beijing's Mentougou District to visit the supply and rescue situation after the flood. At present, the villages that were initially trapped have received supplies, and roads interrupted by the floods are gradually being opened to traffic.

【During the same period】Villagers of Chenjiazhuang Village, Miaofeng Mountain Town, Mentougou District, Beijing

Yesterday there were rescue supplies, 200 boxes of mineral water, two bottles per person for the villagers, and bread or something, instant noodles and ham sausages.

Chenjiazhuang Village is located in the middle of Miaofeng Mountain, near the Yongding River, and the three roads into the village during heavy rains were blocked. On August 8, one of the roads into the village was opened to allow material vehicles to pass through.

【During the same period】Chen Xiaonian, secretary of the party branch of Chenjiazhuang Village, Miaofeng Mountain Town, Mentougou District, Beijing

By yesterday (August 8) afternoon, the rescue channel was at least opened, some rescue materials were opened, at least the car could enter and exit to deal with some emergency matters, and the water and power cuts may not be solved for a while, but it can become a life channel.

On the morning of August 8, the Mentougou District Water Bureau dispatched an emergency water supply truck to bring emergency drinking water to the villagers.

【During the same period】Villagers of Chenjiazhuang Village, Miaofeng Mountain Town, Mentougou District, Beijing

In the past few days, the roads around Chenjiazhuang have all been washed off, and it doesn't matter if you don't wash your face, but you can't drink without water, which really relieves the villagers of Chenjiazhuang of this urgent need.

The smooth road provides a strong guarantee for post-disaster rescue, and the search and rescue work of the affected personnel is still ongoing.

【During the same period】 Liu Jianjian, a member of the Haotian rescue team of the civil air defense of Mentougou District in Beijing

We have more than 140 team members, and we need to dredge in two days, and then (there are) other tasks, and maybe more team members.

【During the same period】Li Yuehua, member of the Haotian Rescue Team of People's Air Defense in Mentougou District, Beijing

Yesterday we rescued 15 people and evacuated more than 100 people, that is, the front of Shuiyuzui Village, yesterday we withdrew at about five or six o'clock, after rescuing the last trapped person, the bridge can pass, can go out of the village, our task today is to distribute supplies to the villagers of Shuiyuzui Village.

Wang Jianguo, member of the Haotian Rescue Team of People's Air Defense in Mentougou District, Beijing

Through these three days of rescue, a total of about 50 people have been rescued, and now the soldiers of the armed police and fire brigade have also come in, we will cooperate with the officers and soldiers of the armed police and fire fighters, cooperate with them to complete the follow-up rescue work, and hope that the disaster will end as soon as possible.

On the afternoon of August 8, the mobile phone communication signal in Miaofeng Mountain Town has been initially restored. According to local staff, in some villages that have not yet reached the conditions for opening to traffic, materials are being delivered in an orderly manner by manual delivery.

Reporting by Xie Longfei and Chen Hang, Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Liu Pai]