Teller Report

Bad Berleburg in North Rhine-Westphalia: Bison runs with head in passenger door of car

8/3/2023, 12:54:10 PM

Highlights: A bison has rammed and damaged a car in Bad Berleburg in North Rhine-Westphalia. A 35-year-old motorist was driving on a country road when suddenly a herd of bison stood in front of him. He let them pass, but one of the animals changed his mind and ran with his head into the passenger door. Subsequently, the animal fled, reports the police. The police estimated the damage at about 2000 euros. The incident happened on Tuesday afternoon.

A motorist was driving on a country road when suddenly a herd of bison stood in front of him. He let them pass, but one of the animals changed his mind.

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Oliver Berg / dpa

A bison has rammed and damaged a car in Bad Berleburg in North Rhine-Westphalia. Subsequently, the animal fled, reports the police.

Accordingly, a 35-year-old motorist was already on Tuesday afternoon on a country road, when suddenly a herd of bison crossed the road. The driver stopped and let the animals pass.

When the 35-year-old wanted to drive off again, one of the animals turned around and ran with his head into the passenger door.

The police estimated the damage at about 2000 euros.
