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Hong Kong youth talk about "going north": It is timely to go to the mainland for development

8/1/2023, 3:02:13 AM

Highlights: Hong Kong youth talk about "going north": It is timely to go to the mainland for development. Nearly 31 young people, young entrepreneurs and doctors visited Changsha, Zhangjiajie, Shaoshan and other places in Hunan Province. The event aims to further deepen the exchanges between young people in the fields of culture, science and technology innovation and talents between Hunan and Hong Kong, so that Hong Kong youth can fully understand the development of the motherland. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has made life more convenient for Hong Kong and Macao young people.

【Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Special Line】Hong Kong youth talk about "going north": It is timely to go to the mainland for development

Changsha, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- Hong Kong youths talk about "going north": It is just the right time to go to the hinterland for development

China News Agency reporter Tang Xiaoqing

In the first summer after the full resumption of customs clearance between Hong Kong and the mainland, Hong Kong young people were enthusiastic about "going north" and experiencing the economic and social development of the mainland on the spot.

From July 7 to 28, the Hunan Youth Association of Hong Kong organized nearly 31 young people, young entrepreneurs and doctors to carry out the cultural exchange activity of "Love for Hunan and Hong Kong", and visited Changsha, Zhangjiajie, Shaoshan and other places in Hunan Province.

"The Hong Kong Youth League mainly understands the history and culture of Hunan and appreciates the cultural and natural landscapes. Young entrepreneurs and doctors focus on visiting science and technology enterprises and parks to help the Hunan government attract talents and wisdom. Sun Xiuzu, executive president of the Hunan Youth Association of Hong Kong, said that the event aims to further deepen the exchanges between young people in the fields of culture, science and technology innovation and talents between Hunan and Hong Kong, so that Hong Kong youth can fully understand the development of the motherland.

Young entrepreneurs and PhDs are mainly from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Lingnan University and the Hong Kong Young Scientists Association.

In the "intelligent manufacturing" returnee town, Changsha has introduced many incentive policies for attracting talents, which have made Hong Kong youth very excited. "There are incentives for talent introduction, incentives for innovation and research and development, as well as housing subsidies and work-life security services, which provide opportunities for Hong Kong young people who want to come to the mainland to develop." Zhuang Wenlei, director of the Hong Kong Young Scientists Association, said during the visit.

With closer exchanges and more convenient transportation between the mainland and Hong Kong, more and more young Hong Kong people are keen to "go north" to seek development opportunities.

"The mainland's innovation and entrepreneurship environment and policies have provided Hong Kong youth with high-quality job opportunities and career development space. For example, the 'Youth Mainland Internship Subsidy Scheme' subsidises Hong Kong youths to intern in the Mainland, allowing Hong Kong young people to experience the real situation of the mainland workplace. Wan Kaiming, Director of the Hong Kong Federation of New Territories Community Organizations, noted that while the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is advancing, many aspiring young people in Hong Kong have crossed the Shenzhen River to realize their dreams, and "it is just the right time for Hong Kong young people to go to the mainland to seek development".

"The development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has made life more convenient for Hong Kong and Macao young people working in the Mainland and have more career choices. The mainland has even opened up positions such as civil servants to Hong Kong residents. Zeng Peng, a doctoral candidate in innovation and entrepreneurship and public policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said that the policies issued by governments at all levels from the central to the local government to optimize the business environment and youth employment of private enterprises have also increased the confidence and passion of Hong Kong young people to come to the mainland for employment and development.

"Many Hong Kong young people have developed cultural creativity, two-dimensional creation, and Chinese comic creation in the mainland, promoting the diversification of the cultural industry in Hong Kong and the mainland." Sun Xiuzu, who often organizes Hong Kong youths to visit Hunan City, said that Hong Kong young people like mainland TV dramas and variety shows very much, and Hunan can make use of the advantages of developed media to promote in-depth exchanges between young people in Hunan and Hong Kong.

To support Hong Kong youth to work in mainland cities, the HKSAR Government has also taken various initiatives, including the launch of the Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme, which encourages enterprises to hire Hong Kong university students and organises Mainland exchange and internship activities.

"I hope that Hong Kong and the mainland will further enhance cultural exchanges, so that Hong Kong youth can better understand the mainland and the mainland can better understand Hong Kong youth." Zeng Peng said. (End)