Teller Report

European leader of Mexico's Zetas cartel arrested in Madrid

7/31/2023, 10:33:33 AM

Highlights: In the operation, developed in collaboration with the Colombian National Police and the Office of Homeland Security Investigations of the United States, 400 kilos of cocaine, 10 telephones and documentation of interest have been seized. This is the second police operation against the Zetas in Spain after Juan Muñoz Luévano, considered the Mexican cartel's link in Europe, was arrested in March 2016, also in the capital. The main representative of the cartel in Europe is Moroccan, responds to the name of Said, 54.

The National Police has arrested in Madrid the leader in Europe of the Zetas, a historic Mexican drug cartel, in what is a historic blow to the organization in...

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The National Police has arrested in Madrid the leader in Europe of the Zetas, a historic Mexican drug cartel, in what is a historic blow to the organization in its attempt to establish itself in Spain.

In the operation, developed in collaboration with the Colombian National Police and the Office of Homeland Security Investigations of the United States (HSI), four other people have also been arrested and 400 kilos of cocaine, 220,000 euros in cash, 10 telephones and documentation of interest have been seized.

This is the second police operation against the Zetas settlement in Spain after Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano, alias "Mono Muñoz," considered the Mexican cartel's link in Europe, was arrested in March 2016, also in the capital.

Sources of the investigation explain that on this occasion the alleged representative of the cartel in Europe is Moroccan, responds to the name of Said and is 54 years old.

The investigation into the figure of the new visible face of the Zetas began when it was known that he had his habitual residence in Madrid, although he led a nomadic life with constant displacements that made police work difficult, reports the General Directorate of Police.

The agents were checking the role played by the investigated within the organization, in addition to verifying that the leader distributed people of his confidence throughout Spain and Europe, specifically in the Netherlands.

The main investigated maintained constant meetings with different people, so the Police had to carry out a filtering work to focus the investigations on those relevant to the investigation.

In recent months, the European leader of the Zetas increased security measures, as well as meetings, which made agents think that he could be in the final phase of an importation of cocaine.

Among the people who had meetings with the investigated, the Police were able to identify a man nicknamed "Repeated," alias attributed to a triplet brother of Colombian origin and known in the world of drug trafficking.

Thus, the Police intensified the work with the intention of aborting the transaction that was brewing.

After detecting contact between the drug traffickers, Spanish and Colombian agents carried out the operation that dismantled the representatives of the Zetas in both countries, as well as their ramifications in other territories.

  • Drug trafficking
  • National Police

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