Teller Report

Feijóo will use the investiture to rearm against Sánchez: "It will be the first act of campaign"

7/29/2023, 12:13:28 AM

Highlights: The National Board of Directors of the PP - which is the highest organ of the party between congresses - reflected on Monday the emotional affliction of the popular. Alberto Núñez Feijóo went from caressing the Moncloa with the same fingers with which he held the polls in his office to the frustration of losing by winning. In that same meeting with the party's senior staff, he showed both sides of his coin: first he staged his determination to try to govern at all costs and then he ended up outlining scenarios of opposition.

The National Board of Directors of the PP - which is the highest organ of the party between congresses - faithfully reflected on Monday the emotional affliction of the popular. Alberto Núñez...

  • Results The distribution of seats of 23-J, constituency by constituency
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The National Board of Directors of the PP - which is the highest organ of the party between congresses - faithfully reflected on Monday the emotional affliction of the popular. Alberto Núñez Feijóo went from caressing the Moncloa with the same fingers with which he held the polls in his office to the frustration of losing by winning. In that same meeting with the party's senior staff, he showed both sides of his coin: first he staged his determination to try to govern at all costs and then he ended up outlining scenarios of opposition or electoral repetition.

This is how one of the presidents of the regional government who attended tells it: "I thought it was going to be a funeral home and that was a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous." "We did therapy" to each other, he describes. More graphic, impossible. "At the end of the meeting, Feijóo was no longer talking about governing," he adds. Perhaps because that same afternoon the president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, told him that not only will he not support his hypothetical investiture, but that he does not even want to sit down to negotiate it.

If at the beginning of the conclave he announced, forcefully, his intention to hang a government majority, in the farewell, already without cameras, he spoke to the barons of the importance he gave to adding one more seat with the external vote.

In addition, in private, as this newspaper has learned, Feijóo did not commit to present himself to the investiture no matter what. That is, even if he did not have enough votes to overcome it. He was careful not to "catch his fingers" with that, relates another of the barons present at the Junta. "I'm going to try to go," he told them. "He did not commit, he left it open," adds another of the sources, who says he saw "touched" the president of the PP after the bad result – compared to expectations – harvested on 23-J.

But in the following days Feijóo has finished defoliating the daisy: he will go to the investiture if Felipe VI asks him, that of course, and he himself will show the monarch his disposition for "institutional" responsibility. In addition, in the PP they assure that the Galician leader can convert the investiture session -if it occurs- "in the first act of campaign", in case there is electoral repetition, or in the first act "of opposition", if it is clear the agreement of Sánchez with the nationalists and losistas.

The idea of the PP is to rearm the project of Feijóo. That is, to recalibrate the direction of the party, especially in relation to the relationship with Vox. But also in everything that has to do with the opposition to the PSOE. If he is chosen for the investiture, Feijóo will make a final appeal to the Socialists, to let him govern.

But, of course, all the PP gives it for "impossible". After the sound door of the PNV, there are, clearly, more noes than yeses on the radar of the popular, but the candidate does not throw in the towel. No, because the intent itself is the message. He will continue to seek support in the coming weeks, aware that his options tend to zero. But he wants to lead the agenda to honor "institutionality." That is, as opposed to what, in his opinion, Pedro Sánchez has done.

The barons second him. Also Faes, the foundation of José María Aznar, which ensures that Feijóo has done the right thing "assuming a commitment that is probably neither comfortable nor has assured the final success".

  • General Elections
  • Politics
  • PP
  • PSOE
  • Add
  • Vox
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Yolanda Diaz
  • Santiago Abascal Conde

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