Teller Report

In the critical period of "seven downs and eight ups", how to do a good job in flood control

7/26/2023, 2:31:13 AM

Highlights: At present, China is in the critical period of "seven lower and eight upper" flood control. Flash floods and geological disasters occurred in many places, and some projects were dangerous. The number of flood victims has dropped by 5.4%, the number of deaths and disappearances due to disasters have dropped by 9.85%. A total of 20 heavy rainfall processes occurred across the country, and the daily precipitation of 16 national weather stations exceeded historical extremes. It is expected that in August, the precipitation in northern and northeastern China, southern Guangxi, Hainan, western Sichuan, Yunnan and other places will be 7~8%.

At present, the whole country has entered the critical period of "seven lower and eight upper" flood control, and the situation of flood prevention and drought control has attracted much attention. On July 7, at the regular briefing on the policies of the State Council held by the State Council's new office, Wang Daoxi, vice minister of emergency management and vice minister of water resources, introduced that the current situation of flood prevention and drought control in the country is generally stable, showing that the overall precipitation in the country is relatively low, and the spatial distribution is quite different. The flood situation of major rivers is stable, and there are fewer small and medium-sized rivers than those in ordinary years; Flash floods and geological disasters occurred in many places, and some projects were dangerous; There are four main characteristics, such as flood and drought disasters that are generally light, and the indicators show a downward trend.

"In terms of flood disasters, compared with the average value of the same period in the past five years, the number of flood victims has dropped by 5.4%, the number of deaths and disappearances due to disasters has dropped by 9.85%, the number of emergency resettlement people has dropped by 1.90%, and direct economic losses have fallen by 4%. In terms of drought disasters, compared with the average value of the same period in the past five years, the number of drought disasters affected by drought disasters has decreased by 76.5% this year, and the area affected by crops has decreased by 50.2%. Wang Daoxi said, "We will continue to strengthen various measures and make every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and drought control." ”

During the main flood season, the situation of flood prevention and drought control across the country is complex and severe

Talking about the situation during this year's main flood period, Wang Daoxi revealed that generally speaking, the situation of flood prevention and drought control in the country during the main flood period is complex and severe, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, there are many extreme weather events, the predicted climate conditions are generally to deviation, and the disasters of phased heavy precipitation, heavy rain and flooding and high temperature and heat waves may be heavier. Second, floods and droughts are equally important, and major floods may occur in the Songhua River, the middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River, the Yishusi, Taihu Lake, Liaohe River and some tributaries of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and staged drought may occur in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other places. Flash floods and geological disasters, floods of small and medium-sized rivers, flooding of small and medium-sized reservoirs and urban waterlogging are weak links in flood prevention and disaster relief, and it is necessary to maintain a high degree of vigilance at all times.

Since the beginning of the flood season this year, the average rainfall in the country has been 288 mm, 10.6% less than the same period of the year, but the extreme and local characteristics are more prominent. A total of 20 heavy rainfall processes occurred across the country, and the daily precipitation of 16 national weather stations exceeded historical extremes. Wang Yawei, head of the Department of Emergency Disaster Reduction and Public Service of the China Meteorological Administration, said that it is expected that by the end of July, China's rainfall belt is mainly located in Tianjin, eastern Hebei, southern Liaoning, Shandong, southern Jiangsu, Fujian, northern Guangdong, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan and other places, and the high temperature weather in the Xinjiang basin, western Gansu and western Inner Mongolia will continue. It is expected that in August, the precipitation in northern and northeastern China, southern Guangxi, Hainan, western Sichuan, Yunnan and other places will be 7~8%, and the temperature in most areas of China will be close to the same period of the year to high. In terms of typhoons, 2~5 tropical cyclones will form in the northwest Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea in August, of which 8~4 tropical cyclones will make landfall or affect China, and the path will mainly be westbound and northwestern, mainly affecting the coastal areas of East and South China.

At present, China is in the critical period of "seven lower and eight upper" flood control, Wang Yawei suggested paying attention to meteorological disasters such as heavy rainfall, typhoons, strong convection, high temperature, drought and secondary disasters such as flash floods, mudslides and urban waterlogging. The southeast coast should do a good job in typhoon defense, northeast, northeast and southwest China should pay attention to preventing local heavy rainfall and strong convective weather, and Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Jiangnan and South China should pay attention to preventing high temperature disasters.

Go all out for disaster prevention and rescue

Before the flood season this year, the National General Department of Flood Prevention announced that there were 2521,9 administrative persons responsible for flood prevention and drought control nationwide, and urged the implementation of insurance responsibilities at all levels. Since the flood season began, the water conservancy department has updated flood forecasts 2,1999 times, dispatched and used 286,17 large and medium-sized reservoirs, and blocked and stored 20.<> billion cubic meters of floodwater. The national meteorological department issued <>,<> early warning information on various meteorological disasters, and "called" <>,<> party committee governments at all levels and <>,<> responsible persons for disaster prevention and mitigation.

In the face of the complex and severe situation during the main flood season, what measures will the relevant departments take? Wang Daoxi responded that the National Defense Office and the Ministry of Emergency Management will consolidate the flood control responsibilities with the chief executive responsibility system as the core, implement the responsibility for flood control, and urge the responsible persons to sink to the front line and take the lead in command. Pay close attention to the process of severe weather, grasp key links such as monitoring, forecasting, early warning, and response, urge local governments to improve the joint consultation and scheduling mechanism, strengthen the linkage between early warning and response, and firmly grasp the initiative of flood control. Implement the "call-and-response" mechanism for disaster early warning directly to the responsible persons at the grassroots level, consolidate the territorial responsibilities of tourist scenic spots, construction camps, industrial and mining enterprises, decisively organize the transfer of people in dangerous areas in advance to avoid danger, and promptly adopt rigid measures such as "shutting down, stopping and retreating" to strictly prevent mass deaths and injuries. Coordinate and coordinate rescue and disaster relief, make good use of the national comprehensive fire rescue team, various professional teams and social forces, ensure efficient rescue and rescue, and quickly allocate rescue materials and funds. Persist in both flood prevention and drought control, carry out drought risk research and judgment on a rolling basis, refine and improve emergency plans for drought control, and do everything possible to ensure the security of urban and rural water supply.

Yu Haifeng, director of the Department of Geological Exploration and Management of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that the Ministry of Natural Resources will pay close attention to key areas and key periods in the prevention and control of geological and marine disasters. Key areas include county towns, key market towns, schools, hospitals, homes for the elderly, farmhouses, etc., as well as traffic arteries, mountain roads, key reservoir areas, industrial and mining sites, construction sites and sheds, tourist attractions, vacation and leisure places and other densely populated areas. There are four main key periods: first, long-duration rainfall, second, short-term local heavy rainfall, third, rapid changes in drought and flood, and fourth, heavy rain in the middle of the night.

In terms of flood and drought disaster prevention work, Yao Wenguang, director of the Department of Water and Drought Disaster Prevention of the Ministry of Water Resources, said that the Ministry of Water Resources will closely monitor the flood and drought situation, make rolling forecasts and forecasts, and issue early warnings in a timely manner. Scientific and precise dispatch of the river basin flood control engineering system mainly composed of reservoirs, embankments and flood storage and detention areas to ensure flood control safety. We should do a good job in project inspection and defense and emergency response, especially do a good job in flood safety for projects under construction and dangerous reservoirs, and in principle, all dangerous reservoirs are operated empty. Do a good job in the prevention of floods and flash floods in small and medium-sized rivers, strengthen early warning, transfer and avoidance, protect the safety of people's lives, especially in response to local heavy rainfall, strengthen the early warning "call" mechanism, and notify the responsible persons and the masses of the early warnings. Do a good job in drought resistance and supply, accurate scope, accurate target, precise time period and precise measures, do a good job of water storage and water preservation under the premise of ensuring flood control safety, reserve drought-resistant water sources, and ensure seasonal irrigation water for urban and rural residents and crops through emergency water transfer, well drilling, water conservation, water delivery and other measures, so as to ensure food security and urban and rural water supply security.

According to statistics, since the beginning of the flood this year, as of July 7, the national comprehensive fire rescue team has participated in 24,3483 rescue operations in handling urban waterlogging and geological flash flood disasters, dispatched 4641,481 vehicles and 1174 boats, rescued a total of 7200,<> people trapped in distress, and evacuated and transferred more than <>,<> people. Luo Yongqiang, deputy director of the National Fire Rescue Bureau, pointed out that under the unified command of the National Defense Department, the National Fire Rescue Bureau will go all out to do a good job in the rescue and rescue work during the critical period of flood prevention and scientific and efficient handling.

(Guangming Daily reporter Chen Chen)