Teller Report

Apple Vision Pro: Why developers need a windowless office for computer glasses

7/25/2023, 11:11:59 AM

Highlights: Apple has announced the start of sales of the $3500 plus tax computer glasses for early 2024. However, registered developers can already apply to receive a copy in advance, free of charge, but under strict conditions. The company states that the "Apple Vision Pro developer kits" are intended for those who have "an innovative idea for an app or game for visionOS that needs to be developed and tested on Vision Pro" The developer model should only be taken out when it is in the direct line of sight of the developer.

Several months before the planned start of sales, programmers have the opportunity to get Apple's Vision Pro computer glasses. However, only under certain conditions and strict conditions.

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Apple Vision Pro at WWDC


It will be a long time before you can buy Apple's Vision Pro. For the USA, the company has announced the start of sales of the $3500 plus tax computer glasses for early 2024, but it is unclear when the rest of the world will get their turn. However, registered developers can already apply to receive a copy in advance, free of charge, but under strict conditions. And not everyone who wants one will get one.

On its developer website, the company states that the "Apple Vision Pro developer kits" are intended for those who have "an innovative idea for an app or game for visionOS that needs to be developed and tested on Vision Pro." In other words, just because you find the new Apple hardware exciting and want to try it out, you won't get one.

Rather, you have to write a short application in which you describe your development team and their skills, as well as apps already developed by these people. After evaluating these applications, "priority will be given to applicants who develop an app that uses the features and capabilities of visionOS," it continues. In addition, it should be noted that you must also agree to separate terms of use as part of the application.

Non-visible, lockable rooms

And they have it all, as Dylan McDermott, head of the software company Sun Apps, writes and proves with a screenshot that apparently shows the terms of use. Accordingly, the Vision Pro may only be stored and used in a room that is not visible and can also be locked from the inside. And that's only from registered developers. Access is strictly prohibited for family members, friends, roommates and domestic workers.

The developer model should only be taken out when it is in the direct line of sight of the developer, otherwise it must be locked away. It becomes particularly tricky when the user of the Vision Pro is absent for a longer period of time, for example on vacation or on a business trip. As soon as such an absence exceeds ten days, you should contact your Apple contact to find out about ways to keep the device safe during this time.

Everything under control

With the harsh rules, Apple obviously wants to ensure that no experience reports beyond the product demos at the WWDC developer conference are made public before the market launch, and competitors should not have the opportunity to explore Apple's innovations.

However, it is not new that the Group strictly regulates the handling of products made available in advance. The same was true for the Mac Minis with M1 processor, which the company issued to developers after announcing its own computer chips. In return, the devices are made available to the developers free of charge, but must be returned upon request.

If you are not one of those who are provided with a Vision Pro, you at least have the opportunity to try out your own apps on site in Apple developer centers on the glasses. One in front of it will be set up at Apple's Munich location.

Nothing works without apps

Apps are essential to Apple's success. Although the company always comes with a bunch of its own software with its iPhones, iMacs, Watches and Macs, it only offers basic equipment. Only with apps from third-party worshippers can the gadgets be adapted to one's own needs. Sometimes it's apps like this that really take advantage of the capabilities of Apple's hardware. This will also and especially apply to the Vision Pro.

However, due to the initially expected low distribution of the new noble gadget, many developers are still holding back on projects for Apple's computer glasses. Netflix, for example, has stated that it has no plans to do so so far. However, this will not be a dramatic loss, as iPad apps, for example, will run on Apple glasses without major adjustments.