Teller Report

The rain – a gift from above for worried farmers

7/17/2023, 3:38:21 AM

Highlights: Bengt Arne Andersson, Erling Johansson and Roger Molin produce animal feed. The recent rainfall has boosted the crop and the men hope it will mean a recovery from the drought. Climate change brings a clear change in weather conditions and thus also new challenges for growers like them. "Some people use irrigation, but we don't have one. We have to live on hope instead," says Roger Mol in. The four farmers produce animalfeed, mainly for horses but also for cows.

The initial drought of the season worried many farmers. Few have forgotten the record summer of 2018 and some feared that this year could lead to equally disastrous harvests. But now the weather has changed – something that is warmly welcomed by those who work the land.

Heavy rain clouds color the sky dark above Vantinge. For some holidaymakers, the rain may be undesirable, but for farmers Bengt Arne Andersson, Erling Johansson and Roger Molin, the rain brings great relief. The four farmers produce animal feed, mainly for horses but also for cows.

The recent rainfall has boosted the crop and the men hope it will mean a recovery from the drought.

Like the summer of 2018, the beginning of the season was very dry, do you draw any parallels or lessons from that year?

"Yes, they did that especially when it was really dry, there at midsummer. Then it was really hard. But a big difference is that we are more on the chopping block this time. We have already harvested grain and sown new ones now that it rained," says Erling Johansson.

Climate change affects crop yields

According to Erling Johansson, farmers are generally more likely to act faster, after the difficult summer of 2018.

Roger Molin says that agriculture can be a vulnerable industry. Climate change brings a clear change in weather conditions and thus also new challenges for growers like him.

How do you adapt your farm to meet these challenges?

"Some people use irrigation, but we don't have one. We have to live on hope instead, says Roger Molin.