Teller Report

From data ecology to autonomous driving, Chinese automobiles are ushering in a new test

7/13/2023, 3:07:32 AM

Highlights: From July 7th to July 5th, the 7 China Automotive Forum was held in Jiading, Shanghai. The theme of the forum was "New Era, New Mission, New Momentum - Helping to Build a Modern Industrial System" This year marks the 70th anniversary of China's automotive industry. China's automobile industry has grown from weak to strong, from following to leading, and is currently in a critical stage of transformation and upgrading and high-quality development. How to achieve the security and development of data governance in the context of digital transformation is a major challenge facing the network transformation.

From July 7th to July 5th, the 7 China Automotive Forum was held in Jiading, Shanghai with the theme of "New Era, New Mission, New Momentum - Helping to Build a Modern Industrial System". In view of the hot spots, difficulties and pain points in the industry, the 7 China Automotive Forum has set up a series of related topics, and industry insiders have gathered together for comprehensive and in-depth discussions and exchanges.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of China's automotive industry. After years of accumulation, China's automobile industry has grown from weak to strong, from following to leading, and is currently in a critical stage of transformation and upgrading and high-quality development.

Under a series of new goals of high-quality development, such as energy revolution, transportation and environmental protection, scientific and technological innovation, industrial safety, expanding domestic demand and high-level opening up in the new era, the automotive industry is facing major opportunities and challenges. Standing at a new starting point, how to coordinate the development and safety of the automobile industry, how to forge the long board, make up for the short board, strengthen the foundation, and how to comprehensively improve the modernization level of the industrial system have become the core issues faced by automobile management departments, industries and enterprises.

At an important juncture, it is an important task of every China Automotive Forum to deeply study and judge the new situation and new opportunities, face the new challenges of the industry, and discuss the high-quality development of the automotive industry and the plan of automobile power. From July 7th to July 5th, the 7 China Automotive Forum was held in Jiading, Shanghai with the theme of "New Era, New Mission, New Momentum - Helping to Build a Modern Industrial System". In view of the hot spots, difficulties and pain points in the industry, the 7 China Automotive Forum has set up a series of related topics, and industry insiders have gathered together for comprehensive and in-depth discussions and exchanges.

Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president and secretary general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that China's automobile industry is in a new development period of transformation and upgrading to electrification and intelligence, and it is also a key stage towards high-quality development.

First, the key technological innovation ability is not strong, the short board of the industrial chain is restricted, the trend of anti-globalization is intensifying, and the risk of the global division of labor system of the manufacturing industry is gradually emerging; Second, the problems of overcapacity and imbalance under industrial transformation have become more prominent; Third, the contradiction between the continuous expansion of market scale and resource guarantee has potential constraints and risks, and it is necessary to plan ahead and lay out in advance.

In his view, these problems are an inevitable phenomenon in the process of industrial transformation and adjustment, and I believe that with the joint efforts of the state and the industry in the future, they will be actively promoted and solved.

In the era of intelligent networked vehicles, ensuring data ecological security is the key

At present, with the deepening of digital development and transformation, the new generation of information technology represented by the Internet has achieved deep integration with all walks of life, and its supporting role in economic and social development has become more prominent. Among them, the intelligent networked vehicle industry has become a representative industry of the "Internet +" economy.

At the same time, data governance issues and data security risks for the Internet of Vehicles industry are becoming increasingly prominent, and maintaining network and data security and promoting the effective use of vehicle data compliance have become inevitable requirements for maintaining the safety of vehicle owners and users, ensuring industry data security, and escorting the prosperity and development of the intelligent networked vehicle industry.

Network security and informatization are two wings of one and two wheels of driving. How to achieve the security and development of data governance in the context of digital transformation is a major challenge facing the network transformation of the automotive industry. Building a safe, efficient, compliant and prosperous data ecosystem has become an important support for further promoting the development of the intelligent networked vehicle industry.

In view of the current pain points such as blocked data circulation, difficult security guarantee, lack of standardized application system, and unclear commercial value, experts and enterprise representatives discussed the future development trend of the automotive data industry and the commercialization mode in the data era to promote the sustainable development of the automotive data industry.

According to Zhao Zijian, director of data security of Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., cars are both producers and users of data, and the era of intelligent networked vehicles has brought data security to a new height. "Enterprises are now paying more and more attention to the application of data and the drive of data, and data has become an important factor of production and an important strategic asset of enterprises."

On the one hand, the functions of traditional cars are relatively single, and the management of data security is relatively easy to implement. Intelligent networked vehicles have many functions, difficult management, involving a large number of systems, data transmission links are relatively complex, data needs to be protected throughout the life cycle, and involve product design, research and development.

On the other hand, traditional cars do not need to collect a large amount of user data because they are not involved in intelligence, and the security risks of traditional cars are more inclined to physical security and technical vulnerabilities. In order to serve the development of autonomous driving and intelligence, intelligent networked vehicles may collect a large amount of information such as faces, license plates, and language outside the car, which will cause more serious data security problems.

Data security compliance testing and system construction is not only for enterprises to meet the requirements of laws and regulations, but more importantly, enterprises can win the trust of users, effectively protect the rights and interests of users, and better promote the innovation and progress of intelligent networked vehicle technology. However, the rapid iteration of intelligent networked vehicle technology makes security protection not necessarily able to keep up with the development of technology, and new technologies may cause new security risks.

Therefore, Zhao Zijian put forward three proposals: first, strengthen industry coordination and jointly respond to the requirements of data security; Second, enterprises should increase research and development efforts in data security technology and accelerate the integration into the technical system of intelligent networked vehicles; Third, the government and industry associations strengthen supervision and guidance, establish relevant laws, regulations and standards, and ensure the healthy development of the industry.

On the topic of "Construction of Data Security Compliance System under the New Situation", Detective Feng, Director of Data Security and Governance Department of NIO Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., shared his views. He believes that when it is implemented in accordance with the requirements of technology-driven or in accordance with industry regulations, there are about three difficulties in data security compliance: first, the protection of unstructured data; Second, the data risk area is very wide and extensive; Third, the cost of global compliance is high.

Detective Feng said: "In the new situation, there are still many roads and a lot of space that need to be solved together with industry colleagues and even the upstream and downstream of the supply chain. In addition, with global compliance challenges and complex data security scenarios, our standards still need to be further accelerated and improved, and automotive companies are willing to contribute. ”

As Zhang Yin of the Internet Management Office of the Shanghai Municipal Communications Administration said, in the era of intelligent networked vehicles, only by paying attention to the construction of relevant standard systems, ensuring network data security, strengthening the efficient use of data compliance, and promoting the construction of data ecology can the industry be truly stable and far-reaching.

Zhang Yin said: "I hope that the whole industry can deeply implement the strategic ideas of 'manufacturing power' and 'network power', implement the concept of 'safety to ensure development, and promote safety with development' into daily production and operation management, strive to build a safe, stable and prosperous intelligent networked vehicle industry development environment, and make due contributions to the construction of 'manufacturing power' and 'network power'." ”

Explore the implementation path of China's solution, and enter a new stage in the development of autonomous driving

At the regular policy briefing of the State Council Information Office held on June 6, Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that it will launch the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, organize and carry out city-level "vehicle-road-cloud integration" demonstration applications, and support conditional autonomous driving, that is, the commercial application of L21 and higher autonomous driving functions.

In the eyes of the industry, the commercial application of Level 3 autonomous driving may inject new vitality into the high-end autonomous driving industry in a difficult situation, and high-level autonomous driving is expected to usher in a turnaround.

At the 2023 China Automotive Forum, Li Wei, chief expert of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., believes that the development of L3 and above autonomous driving has been blocked, and the industry has fallen into a big debate on how to develop autonomous driving in the future, and there are six major routes of pure vision and perception integration, heavy map and light map, data-driven and knowledge-driven, bicycle intelligence and vehicle-road coordination, leapfrog and progressive, generalization and specialization.

Li Wei said that in the dispute between pure vision and perception fusion route, the future form of environmental perception is the fusion perception system. "Pure cameras are prone to perception failure in scenarios such as insufficient lighting, stray light effects, uncommon objects, and bad weather, and cannot achieve full environment perception capabilities, and multi-sensor fusion can play a complementary effect between different sensors to quickly solve problems."

"Of course, multi-sensor fusion is not an infinite hardware 'stacking'. Driven by technological progress, while meeting the perception requirements, we must continue to pursue lower costs, so as to create a more lean and viable hardware solution, suitable for large-scale promotion and installation. Li Wei added.

With the improvement of algorithm capability + data closed-loop capability, the fusion scheme of "camera-based + necessary sensor assistance (such as 4D millimeter wave)" can not only meet the needs of full-scenario autonomous driving, but also have a relatively optimal cost, or will be the main form of multi-sensor fusion in the future.

A few days ago, some car companies and autonomous driving technology solution suppliers have expressed that they no longer rely on high-precision maps to develop high-end autonomous driving. Li Wei also believes that the future form of large-scale industrialization of enterprises is a light map solution.

He said that "heavy maps" are incremental inputs, and "light maps" are amortized inputs. The procurement cost of high-speed + a small number of urban data in the early stage of the heavy map route is not high, and in the later stage, with the expansion of the city, the procurement cost surges, and there are still problems such as insufficient map freshness and insufficient coverage for a long time. The early R&D investment of the light map route is high, and after the scale is formed, the unit cost can be greatly amortized.

Gu Junli, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Dazhuo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., said that the development of autonomous driving is still driven by technology, but the purpose it achieves is definitely not technology publicity and education, but everything must return to the value of the product and return to the market-oriented competition with user-driven as the leading factor.

"How to use cost-controllable technology to make cost-controllable products to provide the best user experience, and at the same time meet the needs of policies in the development of high-end autonomous driving, this may be a direction that needs to be thought about and promoted by everyone." Gu Junli reminded.

"The majority of automobile enterprises should strengthen their internal strength, strengthen institutional innovation, improve product quality, provide high-quality services, work together to maintain a good market environment, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of the automotive industry." Miao Changxing, first-class inspector of the First Department of Equipment Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said.

Photo by Wang Zhiyuan, trainee reporter of China Youth Daily Source: China Youth Daily