Teller Report

The suspect in the murder of Rzhitsky in Krasnodar pleaded guilty

7/12/2023, 4:37:13 PM

Highlights: A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of a man in Krasnodar, Russia. The man was found with a pistol, which he used to kill the man. The suspect has been charged with murder and attempted murder, among other charges. The case is being investigated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Ministry of Justice, which is in charge of the investigation into the murder. The victim has not yet been identified, but the investigation is ongoing, according to TASS.

Sergei Denisenko, a suspect in the murder of Stanislav Rzhitsky, deputy head of the mobilization department of the Krasnodar administration, pleaded guilty.

This is reported by TASS with reference to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory.

"During the interrogation, the defendant pleaded guilty to committing the crime incriminated to him, and the investigation is currently ongoing," the department said.

During a search at his place of residence, he was found with air tickets, "indicating his intention to fly to the Republic of Turkey, and then to Switzerland."

On July 11, the Investigative Committee reported that a man was detained in the Krasnodar Territory, who is being checked by the investigation for involvement in the murder of Stanislav Rzhitsky.

A pistol with a silencer was found in the possession of the detainee.

On July 10, it became known about the murder in Krasnodar of the deputy head of the city department for mobilization work. According to RT, the murder occurred 300 meters from the submarine of the A615 project of 1954, which was laid up forever in the Krasnodar park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory.

According to media reports, an unknown person waited for Rzhitsky on a run and shot him four times.