Teller Report

"100 days" set by Macron: the oppositions draw the balance sheet of a "failure"

7/12/2023, 12:08:23 AM

Highlights: The "100 days" set by Emmanuel Macron to revive the five-year term, "it has been long and painful": the oppositions fired Tuesday red balls on the balance sheet of the executive. As the deadline approached, around July 14, the left-wing alliance Nupes was the most virulent. For Bertrand Pancher, leader of the independent MPs Liot, it is also "the observation of a failure" in appeasement: "The country continues to fracture"

This Tuesday, the oppositions fired red balls on the record of the executive, which has a little more "fractured" the country according to them. As the deadline of the "100 days", around July 14, the left-wing alliance Nupes was the most virulent: "100 days of ecological inaction", "100 additional days against democracy", according to Mathilde Panot.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 14:47 pm, July 11, 2023

This Tuesday, the oppositions fired red balls on the balance sheet of the executive, which has a little more "fractured" the country according to them. As the "100 days" deadline approaches, around July 14, the left-wing alliance Nupes has been the most virulent: "100 days of ecological inaction", "100 additional days against democracy", according to Mathilde Panot.

The "100 days" set by Emmanuel Macron to revive the five-year term, "it has been long and painful": the oppositions fired Tuesday red balls on the balance sheet of the executive, which has a little more "fractured" the country according to them. As the deadline approached, around July 14, the left-wing alliance Nupes was the most virulent. "100 days of ecological inaction", "100 additional days against democracy", "100 days of repression and institutional violence, especially on May 1" and during "the march for Adama" Traoré Saturday, ginned to the press the boss of the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot.

"The acknowledgement of a failure"

These "100 days", dictated by the head of state at the end of the pension crisis, "I found it super long," said Sébastien Jumel, spokesman for the communist deputies. "Have we repaired democracy, rearmed the hospital and public services?" he asked. It is rather "100 days of macronist acceleration" in a liberal sense, added his colleague PCF Pierre Dharréville. For Socialist MP Arthur Delaporte, "the President of the Republic has not succeeded in printing either an alternative or a positive narrative." And the "turn to the right" of the first five-year term is becoming "a fishtail to the right". For Bertrand Pancher, leader of the independent MPs Liot, it is also "the observation of a failure" in appeasement: "The country continues to fracture".

>> READ ALSO - Emmanuel Macron's "100 days" of appeasement: a failure?

On the right, the president of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix considered that "these are things that have cost us dearly once again": "I fear that the bill is around ten billion, the President of the Republic has not understood that everything could not be bought," he said. Within the majority, on the other hand, it is a satisfecit. "It's a pretty productive 100 days. The Assembly is functioning normally," said Laurent Marcangeli, head of the Horizons deputies. "Obviously, if we could have ... not to live what happened for four days two weeks ago, it would have been better, "he said in reference to the riots following the death of Nahel, killed by a policeman in Nanterre.

While Emmanuel Macron has not yet indicated whether he will speak on July 14, MoDem MP Philippe Vigier hoped for "a little more decisions and arbitrations that fall and that we give a real perspective". "What the French expect is that we give a multi-year course," he concluded.