Teller Report

Man between intimacy and forgetfulness

7/11/2023, 11:52:15 PM

Highlights: Man in the eyes of the Enlightenment is that mythical person whose powers have no authority above his mind, and no limits to his abilities. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, epidemics, floods and hurricanes show us that nothing in this world belongs to us and is truly ours. Some of us may remember it for a moment, but after a short time we fall into oblivion and inattention. We forget our Creator, our covenant to Him, that we were created by His hand, and that everything we think is ours belongs to Him and not to us.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, epidemics, floods and hurricanes show us that nothing in this world belongs to us and is truly ours. Some of us may remember it for a moment, but after a short time we fall into oblivion and inattention.

Every day we find ourselves embroiled in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the chaos of political life and the confrontational environment that exhausts each other. This hustle and bustle and these conflicts drain the clarity of our minds, sometimes it is so loud that we cannot get out of it and we constantly wander in a state of wandering, which is followed by a failure to understand why we are in this world and how to deal with others and manage our relationship with them successfully.

Stress has become part of our daily lives, whether it's a minor inconvenience or a heavy professional burden that spans us over months and years.

Man in the eyes of the Enlightenment is that mythical person whose powers have no authority above his mind, and no limits to his abilities.

The existence of man between humanity and forgetfulness

One of the striking things that is worth standing at in this life is that the presence of human beings together is a double-edged sword, although it creates a great competition between them, people at the same time cannot live without domesticating each other. Without us being human, all these human stories would not exist, and without stories there would be no life.

The word "human" refers not only to humanity and intimacy, but also to "forgetting", being a human being means that we will certainly forget everything, no matter how much joys, pressures, sorrows or pains we face at that moment, it is inevitably destined to be forgotten.

Because of this certain human nature, the essence of man's relationship with others, which is "humanity and intimacy", also becomes subject to forgetting, so people do not remember this fact until others disappear around them, except for that time, the present between them is conflict, disagreements, competition and pressures.

The person I'm competing with is gay, and being there is also part of me. We grew up from the same existence, we came from the same place, and we walk towards the same destination. The reason I'm human is because I can live and feel familiar with another human being. Without this familiarity, our human character is incomplete.

We forget our Creator, our covenant to Him, that we were created by His hand, and that everything we think is ours, such as our bodies, our beauty, our life, our livelihood, our healing, our nature, our existence, our language, belongs to Him and not to us.

We forget that we were born under circumstances that are not in our hands, that we carry some of the characteristics that have been given to us, that we believe that all those characteristics are our own, and we sink into the ignorance of superiority and bragging about them in front of others, without remembering that they are attributed to forgetfulness and inattention.

However, most of our political discussions depend on forgetting this basic information, this real knowledge. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, epidemics, floods and hurricanes clearly show us that nothing in this world belongs to us and truly belongs to us. Some of us may remember it for a moment, but after a short time we fall into oblivion and continue to fall asleep.

However, at every moment of our lives these signs and warnings come to us, remind us of our reality and remind us of our truth. We realize how small, helpless and weak we are, and at this point we also see how similar we are to each other. This knowledge, this similarity, also teaches us that we do not have to submit to one another, bow to one another, or meet everything we expect from others.

Of course, those reminders are not so much from a humanitarian perspective. Just as the Enlightenment, as a public and common source of beliefs prevailing in our world today, has been working for 250 years to affirm the greatness and pride of man, and to claim that he is in control, so will man, who knows everything, learns and enlightens, fall again into ignorance?

We have never seen such a man, a wonderful person who acts with his pure mind, away from all sorts of feelings of arrogance, greed, whim, inferiority and complex grandeur, collects the knowledge he has acquired without forgetting, and enlightens the world with the intelligence he has reached. This is the man of humanity, this is the person drawn by the Enlightenment.

I contemplate the difference between man in the eyes of the Enlightenment, that mythical person who has no authority above his mind, and no limits to his abilities, and man in the complete divine conception of his truth, his weakness and strength, his strong mind and his sure missteps, and I see how the Enlightenment overlooks the reality of this enlightened, conscious man who makes civilizations and glories, the fact that many of the disasters and wars that occur on earth are due to this man who does not sin, humiliates his mind and does not weaken.

It is this truth that the Enlightenment always forgets, and that robs man of many of these mythical qualities that they imagine.

The Enlightenment often overlooks the historical conception of this mythical man, and accept him as he is, of the man told to us by the divine Word in its entirety.

The Enlightenment overlooked the fact that man made a mistake in his supposed primary task of developing the earth and caused chaos on its surface. However, the fidelity that he was entrusted with and is supposed to perform was offered to the heavens, the earth and the mountains before him, for I knew better what it was, but man has demanded this fidelity, this role, this task, because man forgets and is doomed to forget.

Knowledge in itself is not our main subject, but our subject is the knowledge that man tends to forget all the time. Who among us does not know that he was born of a mother and father when he was nothing? And who among us does not know that he will come out of this world against his will at a time when he did not want him and did not know him? Who among us does not know that when he dies, he will not take with him anything he has collected from this world, and will have to leave everything behind? Everyone knows that.

This means that knowledge exists but most people live forgetting or forgetting this obvious and basic truth. After guidance, delusion is one of the most common situations to which a person is exposed, as man lives as if he does not know the simplest basic information, and behaves towards others as if he does not have that knowledge, this is the state of ignorance that is with forgetfulness.

Forgetting our covenant with our Lord, forgetting the wisdom and truth that has surely been communicated to us with our presence in this world, has serious consequences that are not limited to ourselves. Forgetting knowledge makes us forget each other and makes us distance ourselves from others.

What role do we humans have towards each other?

Whoever forgets his Lord forgets himself, and whoever forgets himself, forgets others as well, his mission towards them, his responsibilities, and his position. Isn't it from here that all the problems arise? So we should start the question from where the problem started:

What is our role towards each other? Can the intimacy that created us leave us to our own oblivion?