Teller Report

Ministry of Emergency Management: In the first half of the year, various natural disasters caused 4876.4 million disasters

7/7/2023, 3:47:04 AM

Highlights: Floods, hailstorms, droughts, low-temperature freezing and snow disasters, earthquakes, geological disasters, sandstorms and forest and grassland fires also occurred. Various natural disasters caused a total of 2023,4876,4 people to varying degrees of disaster. 95 people died and disappeared, and 11,3 people were urgently evacuated and resettled. The disaster situation was generally stable, and the disaster losses were significantly lighter than in the same period of previous years.

China News Network, July 7 According to the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Emergency Management released the national natural disaster situation in the first half of 7 on the 7th. In the first half of the year, the natural disaster situation in China was generally stable, mainly floods, hailstorms, droughts, low-temperature freezing and snow disasters, earthquakes, geological disasters, sandstorms and forest and grassland fires also occurred to varying degrees. Various natural disasters caused a total of 2023,4876,4 people to varying degrees of disaster, 95 people died and disappeared, and 11,3 people were urgently evacuated and resettled; 2700,1 houses collapsed, 1,19 were seriously damaged, and 7,4724 were generally damaged; 7,214.1 thousand hectares of crops were affected, of which 382.3 thousand hectares were harvested; and direct economic losses were <>.<> billion yuan.

The disaster situation was generally stable, and the disaster losses were significantly lighter than in the same period of previous years

In the first half of the year, continuous drought occurred in southwest China, and the drought in Yunnan was relatively severe. Floods and geological disasters occurred in some parts of the south, and the water intensity of dragon boats in South China was relatively weak; Hailstorm disaster points are multifaceted, and the frequency of sand and dust is large; The northwest and southwest suffered from low temperature freezing and snow disasters, and a major avalanche disaster occurred in Nyingchi, Tibet; The number of earthquakes above magnitude 5 dropped significantly, and Yunnan, Sichuan, Xinjiang and other places suffered certain losses. After the flood, the impact of floods, hailstorms and other disasters expanded, and disaster losses increased significantly. Henan, Yunnan, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi and other places were seriously affected.

Some parts of the south were hit by floods and geological disasters, and the continuous rainy weather adversely affected the summer harvest in Henan and other places

In the first half of the year, there were 15 heavy rainfall processes across the country, with a cumulative surface rainfall of 240 mm, 13% less than the same period of the year. Precipitation in most of the south is relatively low, mainly affecting East China, Central China, South China, Southwest China and other places, local urban waterlogging, flash floods and other dangerous disasters, South China dragon boat water intensity is weak. From the end of May to the beginning of June, Henan experienced widespread continuous rainy weather, which coincided with the ripening and harvest of wheat, causing damage to crops in some cities and counties. In general, the flood disaster in the first half of the year caused 5.6 million people to be affected to varying degrees, more than 3099,1 houses collapsed, 2100.2454 thousand hectares of crops were affected, and the direct economic loss was 5.210 billion yuan. In addition, there were 4 geological disasters such as collapses, landslides and debris flows across the country, mainly concentrated in central and southwestern regions.

The hailstorm disaster points are multifaceted, and the sand and dust process is more than the same period of previous years

In the first half of the year, there were 19 strong convective weather processes in the country, which was lower than the average value of the same period in the past five years. A total of nearly 5 counties (cities and districts) across the country have been affected by hailstorm disasters, mainly distributed in north, northwest and southwest China. Strong convective weather such as extreme winds and hail occurred in Hebei, Liaoning, Jiangsu and other places, and Jiangxi, Hubei and other provinces with heavy hail disasters in the same period of previous years were light. Overall, in the first half of the year, the hailstorm disaster caused 800.378 million people to be affected to varying degrees, the area of crops affected was 5.624 thousand hectares, and the direct economic loss was 4.65 billion yuan. In addition, there are 2 sand and dust processes affecting China, which are more than the average value of the same period of previous years, mainly from March to April.

Winter and spring drought occurred in southwest China, and summer drought emerged and developed in northern China

From the winter of 2022 to the spring of 2023, most of the precipitation in southwest China is significantly less than the same period of the year, and the temperature is high. The rapid development of drought in Yunnan, Guichuan, Chongqing and other places has caused certain impacts on agricultural production and urban and rural water supply in mountainous and hilly areas. In the first half of the year, four regional high temperature processes occurred in China, the first regional high temperature process was 4 days earlier than the same period of the year, and the high temperature in many places exceeded the historical extreme, and the extreme high temperature adversely affected crop growth, power supply, forest fire prevention, etc. Since June, affected by precipitation in the south, drought in southwest and south China has eased, and meteorological drought has emerged and developed in northeast central and western China, north China and other regions. In general, the drought disaster in the first half of the year was basically the same as that of the usual year, resulting in 16.6 million people in the country being affected to varying degrees, 1082.1 million people needing living assistance due to drought, 206.3 thousand hectares of crops affected, and direct economic losses of 1099.4 billion yuan.

The northwest and southwest suffered from low temperature freezing and snow disasters, and a major avalanche disaster occurred in Nyingchi, Tibet

In the first half of the year, China suffered a total of 8 cold air processes, which was more than the average value of the same period of the year. Among them, 3 were national cold wave weather processes. From late April to early May, cold air processes occurred in North China, Northwest China and other places, and cold wave weather occurred in some areas, causing crop disasters in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places. On January 4, an avalanche in Nyingchi, Tibet, killed 5 people. In general, in the first half of the year, 1.17 million people were affected by low-temperature freezing and snow disasters to varying degrees, 28,294 hectares of crops were affected, and direct economic losses were 493.43 billion yuan.

The number of earthquakes above magnitude 5 dropped significantly, and Xinjiang, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places suffered certain losses

In the first half of the year, a total of 4 earthquakes above magnitude 43 occurred in mainland China, mainly in Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places. Among them, the heaviest disaster loss was the 5.2 magnitude earthquake in Baoshan, Yunnan on May 5, which caused 2,2 people in Baoshan and Dali cities (prefectures) to be affected to varying degrees, 6,2 houses were damaged, and direct economic losses of 1 million yuan. From May 3 to 2, a series of 2.5, 3.4 and 4.0 earthquakes struck Xingwen County, Sichuan, causing damage to more than 4,5 houses. The 4.9 magnitude earthquake in Shaya on January 1300 and the 1.30 magnitude earthquake in Wensu, Xinjiang on February 6 were both located in sparsely populated areas and did not cause major disaster losses.

The situation of forest and grassland fires is generally stable, and the local situation is relatively grim

In the first half of the year, a total of 240 forest fires occurred in the country, and the total number of fires was at a historical low, and the fire time was concentrated in March and April, and there were many fires in South China and Southwest China; There were 3 grassland fires across the country, mainly in Inner Mongolia, and the fire time was concentrated in April.