Teller Report

Hong Kong youth visit Wenzhou, the venue of the dragon boat competition at the Hangzhou Asian Games, to experience dragon boat culture

7/7/2023, 3:47:59 AM

Highlights: Wenzhou is the "Famous Dragon Boat City of China" and the venue for the dragon boat event of the 2022th Asian Games. The local dragon boat sport has a long history, strong regional characteristics and a deep people's base. The Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture Museum shows dragon boat production process, models and allusions in detail. Hong Kong youth Chan Pak-yi said that he was most impressed by the jewelry dragon in the intangible cultural heritage works, and its design was very ingenious.

Wenzhou, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) (Zhou Jian) What is the evolution and development history of dragon boats? On July 7, more than 7 Hong Kong youths who participated in the "Welcome the Asian Games Together and Hand in Hand for the Future" activity of Hong Kong and Macao Youth Zhejiang (Wenzhou Station) came to the Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture Museum to have a closer look.

Wenzhou is the "Famous Dragon Boat City of China" and the venue for the dragon boat event of the 2022th Asian Games in Hangzhou 19 (hereinafter referred to as the Hangzhou Asian Games). The local dragon boat sport has a long history, strong regional characteristics and a deep people's base. As an important window to display dragon boat culture, Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture Museum takes "Chopping Waves, Carnival on Water - Dragon Boat Culture to the World" as the theme, and has units such as "Longyao Shenzhou", "Longteng Dongou", "Hundred Boats Competing for the Current" and "Rapids Brave Forward", comprehensively telling the dragon boat culture from wood for boat to dragon boat racing.

Walking into the museum, the electronic screen that comes into view shows an ancient painting of dragon boat racing, from the famous Wenzhou painter Wang Zhenpeng of the Yuan Dynasty. The exhibition hall lists the physical objects of dragon boat culture, including ancient dragon boats up to 20 meters long, complete with drums, gongs, tips and oars, as well as copper drum ornaments with dragon patterns, copper pen holders, ear copper bottles, amphora copper bottles, etc. Intangible cultural heritage works such as bench dragon, shrimp dragon and spelling dragon are also lined up one by one, attracting Hong Kong young people to take photos and check in.

"Hong Kong also has dragon boats, but they are of a single type. The Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture Museum shows the dragon boat production process, models and allusions in detail, and it is the first time that I have such a deep understanding of dragon boat culture. In an interview, Hong Kong youth Chan Pak-yi also mentioned that he was most impressed by the jewelry dragon in the intangible cultural heritage works, and its design was very ingenious.

Hong Kong youths beat cheering drums Courtesy of the United Front Work Department of the Wenzhou Municipal CPC Committee

It is reported that the jewelry dragon in Chen Baiyi's mouth is China's national intangible cultural heritage, the exhibits are 3 meters high and 7 meters long, the tenon and tenon structure are connected, and the handle can gently shake the handle, which can drive the entire dragon boat and the characters in the compartment to move, vivid.

In addition, in the "Rapids" interactive zone, Hong Kong young people may take dragon boats and experience the "speed and passion" of competition with the help of digital multimedia technology. Or in pairs, beat the cheering drum, and control the speed of the dragon boat on the screen with the sound of "knock knock"...

The Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture Museum is located on the ground floor of the Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Base, which will be the competition venue for the dragon boat event of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Talking about the Hangzhou Asian Games, Chen Baiyi said that he hopes to come to the scene and see the wonderful dragon boat race.

The reporter learned that the "Welcome the Asian Games with One Heart and Hand in Hand for the Future" Hong Kong and Macao Youth Zhejiang Tour was launched in Hangzhou on July 7, and it is planned to be carried out in Zhejiang Province for six days. During the event, nearly 3,6 Hong Kong and Macao youths went to 11 districted cities in Zhejiang Province for study and exchange. (End)