Teller Report

The signing of Elizabeth Duval, facing Iglesias, erases the trail of Montero and his team in Sumar

7/5/2023, 1:28:23 AM

Highlights: Yolanda Díaz definitively breaks ties with the Ministry of Equality beyond the figure of Irene Montero. Elizabeth Duval will be the new spokesperson for an "integrative" feminism. The incorporation of Duval and others to the campaign team means the erasure of the influence of the main political positions of the Ministry. The new spokesperson is alien to the organic structures of the 15 parties that make up the coalition. The writer and philosopher has long stood out despite her youth and has managed to position herself as an intellectual of reference in the progressive axis.

Yolanda Díaz definitively breaks ties with the Ministry of Equality beyond the figure of Irene Montero and bets on opening a new stage in the policies of...

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Yolanda Díaz definitively breaks ties with the Ministry of Equality beyond the figure of Irene Montero and is committed to opening a new stage in the feminist policies of Sumar by encouraging a renewal of the people who are going to work in that area and who will transfer the messages to the citizenship. Yesterday he announced the signing of Elizabeth Duval as his new spokesperson "on feminism, equality and LGTBI rights and freedoms". In the same way that he has also reinforced the team with other profiles.

The incorporation of Duval and others to the campaign team means the erasure of the influence of the main political positions of the Ministry of Equality in the new candidacy. It's not that there won't be a thread of continuity. It is that it has been cut on purpose. It was clear that the role of Irene Montero was going to be non-existent once she was removed from the lists because she was considered a figure detrimental to the electoral options of the political space. However, its place as a reference for feminist politics was empty until yesterday.

To fill it, Sumar has ignored the natural relays within the Ministry of Equality and has chosen a person committed for a long time to the project, who is part of civil society and who is alien to the organic structures of the 15 parties that make up the coalition. This means that the number two of the Ministry, Ángela Rodríguez 'Pam', and the number three, the delegate of the Government against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, will also remain on the sidelines, as the minister.

Sumar has also not chosen Isa Serra for the spokesperson, despite the fact that she is the only survivor of the Ministry in the electoral lists of Sumar. This leader of Podemos, who has served in recent years as an advisor to Montero in Equality, occupies number eight on the list for Madrid. A priori it is a position that is not out. So it is very difficult for her to leave as a deputy.

Both Pam and Rosell and Serra were marked by having been three of the most belligerent figures in the strategy of the Ministry of Equality regarding the law of only yes is yes to deny any slightest error and to lash out against anyone who supported it. That began by calling the judges "macho" for reducing sentences and then led to a very virulent confrontation with the PSOE, which was accused of "betraying" feminism, by forcing a correction of the law. All this generated one of the biggest internal crises within the coalition and, in the end, is pointed out by the PSOE as one of the causes that explain the blow of the left in the elections of 28-M. There is the origin of the defenestration of Montero and his team for the management of more than a thousand reductions of sentences to sex offenders, with more than a hundred of them provoking, the release of prisoners.

New feminist reference

With the aim of leaving behind mainly that episode, but also other departures of tone that have now been criticized by Pedro Sánchez, Sumar completely changes its feminist references and promotes Duval as a new face. The writer and philosopher has long stood out despite her youth and has managed to position herself as an intellectual of reference in the progressive axis. Now she takes another step in her political commitment by getting personally involved in the task of revaluing feminist politics as a spokesperson for Sumar. It also does so from the perspective of being a trans person, one of the most punished groups among LGTBI people.

As a spokesperson for feminism, Duval will participate in a specific campaign event in this area with Díaz to which no date has yet been set but which has been announced from sources of the candidacy.

In Sumar they highlight that she is an "intellectual reference" that "will promote an open, dialoguing and integrating feminism, which expands rights for everyone and advances in the construction of a free, diverse and proud Spain". Recently in an interview in EL MUNDO, Díaz highlighted her commitment to "feminism that adds up".

Duval was close to Podemos but as she got closer to Díaz she was criticized from the purple party. One of the most unpleasant episodes of that clash starred Pablo Iglesias, when on Twitter he reprimanded her with the pretext of going to La Sexta de tertuliana. "Madam, do me the favor of letting go of my arm," he said, "don't come any closer to us." A phrase that had a lot of impact on the space environment to summarize the moment of Podemos.

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  • Yolanda Diaz

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