Teller Report

The search service that shows which vehicle you own and where you live

7/5/2023, 4:08:33 PM

Highlights: A new tool makes it easier for criminals to identify and steal cars. The tool allows users to search for cars by brand, model and even color. It's possible that the tool could be used for theft, but it's unlikely, says the company's CEO. The service is available in the U.S. and is available for pre-booking in the UK. For more information on the service, visit the website of the company, which is based in Sweden, at:

Brand, model, yes even color. The site reveals which vehicle you own and how to contact you as the owner. A tool for car enthusiasts, says the CEO – favor criminal gangs in car crimes, says the insurance company.

A Swedish-owned site makes it possible for anyone to search for over fifty car brands and associated series models down to the smallest detail.

"This service makes it easy for criminals to identify direct objects to steal. Our customers are exposed as objects of the thefts," says Ann Hassel Tano, Head of Research at the insurance company If.

The user can obtain specific information about the vehicle and also its owner. A feature that, according to Ann Hassel Tano, makes it easier for criminal networks to map and steal attractive cars.

Should be helpful before buying a car

Behind the site is CEO Christian Nilsson, who doubts that the tool would make it easier for criminals to commit car crimes.

"Stealing cars today is not always easy, it takes quite a lot of effort," says Christian Nilsson.

He explains that the purpose of the service is, for example, to be able to help users before a car purchase.

Can you see how the service could be used for theft?

"Theoretically, yes it can, but it's very unlikely," says Christian Nilsson.

Hear more about the new car search service in the clip above.