Teller Report

Deputy Lantratova: the profession of a blogger needs appropriate legislative registration

7/5/2023, 7:36:42 PM

Highlights: Yana Lantratova is the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education. She said that blogging has long been a professional activity that brings considerable income. The parliamentarian added that the development of the bill began just after consultations with bloggers. Earlier, the Duma announced a discussion of the allocation of the OKVED code for bloggers. It's great that an increasing number of bloggers support the initiative and are ready to participate in its development, the interlocutor of RT concluded.

The first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, Yana Lantratova, told in an interview with RT the details of the initiative to allocate the code in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) for bloggers.

According to Lantratova, blogging has long been a professional activity that brings considerable income.

This profession also needs appropriate legislative registration, which carries the assignment of a new code in OKVED, the deputy said.

"But comprehensive changes are needed. It is necessary to clarify the status and rights of bloggers at the legislative level, to introduce them into the legal field. This position is shared in the relevant ministries. For example, in response to our request, the Ministry of Digital Development recognized the need for additional study of the issue of regulating the activities of bloggers, including in terms of specifying the term "blogger", as well as establishing a legal regime that defines the rights and obligations of bloggers, and determining the authorized body to monitor their activities. The Ministry of Economic Development supported my proposal to add code for bloggers to OKVED," she explained.

The parliamentarian added that the development of the bill began just after consultations with bloggers.

"They offered us to take the topic into work, justified its importance. Then we prepared requests to the relevant ministries and received conceptual support for the initiative. It's great that an increasing number of bloggers support the initiative and are ready to participate in its development, "the interlocutor of RT concluded.

Earlier, the State Duma announced a discussion of the allocation of the OKVED code for bloggers.