Teller Report

Turn on the high temperature mode again - why is the north hotter than the south for a while

7/3/2023, 12:25:58 AM

Highlights: With the reappearance of the high-pressure ridge, a new round of high temperature mode will begin in the north. The sky is clear and cloudless, which is conducive to the warming of solar radiation. In North China, Huanghuai and other places, the weather is dry and the air humidity is small, conducive to rising temperatures. Experts remind that continuous high temperature will increase the risk of heat stroke or heat stroke, and it is necessary to do a good job of heat prevention and cooling.

Recently, many places in northern China have experienced a round of violent high temperature weather process. With the reappearance of the high-pressure ridge, a new round of high temperature mode will begin in the north, which will continue for many days. How did the continuous hot weather in the north form? Why is the North hotter than the South now? How long will this hot weather last? The reporter interviewed relevant experts about this.

The reasons for this, Zhang Fanghua, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed four points: first, North China, Huanghuai and other places were controlled by strong heating masses, and the impact time was longer; Second, under the control of the high-pressure ridge, the sky is clear and cloudless, which is conducive to the warming of solar radiation; Third, it is currently around the summer solstice, the day time is long, and the long period of sunshine is conducive to the rise of temperature and the emergence and maintenance of high temperature; Fourth, in North China, Huanghuai and other places, the weather is dry and the air humidity is small, which is conducive to rising temperatures.

In the face of the successive high temperature weather in the north, netizens said that they would go to the south to escape the summer. Zhang Fanghua said that from late June to early July in previous years, the average temperature in North China, Huanghuai and other places was basically the same as in the south, but from the maximum value of the maximum temperature, the north was higher than the south. The main reason is that the south is in the rainy period at this time, on the one hand, there is more rainfall, and the subtropical high pressure has not yet controlled the area, so the maximum maximum temperature in many places in the south is not very high; On the other hand, the northern region is controlled by the continental high-pressure ridge at this time, with strong radiation and dry air, so it is prone to extreme high temperature weather.

"There are obvious regional differences in the high temperature concentration period in various parts of China. For North China, high temperature weather is usually more likely to occur from June to early July before the rainy season, and high temperatures for several consecutive days are also more common in June, which is mainly dry heat type high temperature, which is manifested by high temperature and low humidity. Gao Hui, chief forecaster of the National Climate Center, said that in late July, as the subtropical high jumps north and the summer wind pushes north, the water vapor transport and atmospheric humidity in the north increase, and the cloud cover will also increase, which is prone to sweltering weather. However, it should be noted that the human body temperature is different from the air temperature, and the humid heat type high temperature is also affected by humidity, which often aggravates the human body temperature.

Gao Hui said that in the context of global warming, whether in the south or north of China, the frequency of extreme high temperatures will increase rapidly. According to the forecast of the National Climate Center, the temperature in North China and Huanghuai and other places this summer is high, accompanied by an increase in the number of high temperature days, so the north has a greater probability of being hotter than previous years this summer. In this case, it is also possible that some observatories will break the historical extremes.

A new round of high temperatures in the north, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Luyu area is still the core area, and the local temperature may break through the extreme value. In particular, the total number of high temperature days in Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Jinan and Zhengzhou is expected to reach 5 to 7 days. Not only will the high temperature last long and be intense during the day, but the minimum temperature will also rise significantly. Around the end of June, the minimum temperature in parts of the North China Plain such as Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Jinan and Zhengzhou will reach about 6°C, and sweltering summer nights are coming.

Experts remind that continuous high temperature will increase the risk of heat stroke or heat stroke in outdoor activities, and it is necessary to do a good job of heat prevention and cooling; Energy demand is increasing, and it is recommended that relevant departments do a good job in the supply of water and electricity; Outdoor activities and field workers should do a good job in health protection, and strengthen the safety of urban and rural and wild fires. (Economic Daily Reporter Guo Jingyuan)