Teller Report

Train, flight and bus: How arbitration boards can help to get justice free of charge in the event of travel trouble

7/3/2023, 3:47:04 PM

Highlights: The train is delayed – and you have to pay the costs yourself? The flight is cancelled – and the airline does not want to pay compensation? An arbitration board can often help. And this is how it works.. More on the subject:Tips for the holiday season:How to get on holiday cheaply. And how to get back on the train after the holiday: How to get home again after a long flight. and how to pay for a holiday in the UK when you are away from home.

The train is delayed – and you have to pay the costs yourself? The flight is cancelled – and the airline does not want to pay compensation? An arbitration board can often help. And this is how it works.

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ab/Tom Nebe, dpa