Teller Report

The end of mandatory masks in health centers and pharmacies will possibly be approved this week

7/3/2023, 5:06:53 PM

Highlights: The Council of Ministers is expected to approve on Tuesday the end of the mandatory mask in health centers, social health and pharmacies. Once published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), masks will become recommended and even "highly recommended" in certain health settings with vulnerable patients and in case of symptoms of respiratory infection.Thus, a mandatory rule in the health and socio-health fields has disappeared since December 2020. Its imperative use will be maintained in hospital areas with critical and immunosuppressed, operating rooms and intensive care units.

The Council of Ministers is expected to approve on Tuesday the end of the mandatory mask in health centers, social health and pharmacies, where they will become...

The Council of Ministers is expected to approve on Tuesday the end of the mandatory mask in health centers, social health centers and pharmacies, where they will become recommended, but its imperative use will be maintained in hospital areas with critical and immunosuppressed, operating rooms and intensive care units.

Once published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), masks will become recommended and even "highly recommended" in certain health settings with vulnerable patients and in case of symptoms of respiratory infection.

Thus, a mandatory rule in the health and socio-health fields has disappeared since December 2020.

On June 23, Health and the counselors of the branch of the autonomous communities agreed within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (CISNS) to support the end of the mandatory nature of the mask in health centers, hospitals, pharmacies and social health centers, ending just over three years of mandatory use in some area due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Last February, a first step was taken and Spain put an end to the mandatory mask on public transport given the good epidemiological evolution of the incidence of coronavirus.

It was thus withdrawn in trains, planes, buses and metro, where it was imperative since May 2020, and also ended its obligation in opticians, orthopedics and hearing aid centers.

  • Coronavirus
  • Masks

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