Teller Report

Opening of the Hehuang Culture Museum: Tell the story of the Hehuang and inherit the Yellow River culture

7/3/2023, 11:46:28 AM

Highlights: The opening of the Hehuang Culture Museum was held on July 7. The museum is the only one of its kind in China. It is expected to become an important part of the history of the city of Haidong. The city is known as the "Gateway of the Yellow River" because of its rich history and culture. It has been the site of many important events, including the founding of the University of Haido and the construction of the Great Wall of China, as well as the opening of several other museums.

Qinghai Ledu, July 7 (Qi Zengbei) On the 3rd, the only comprehensive museum in China with the theme of displaying Hehuang culture, the Hehuang Culture Museum, was officially opened in Ledu District, Haidong City, Qinghai Province, and was open to the public, comprehensively displaying the long history and splendid culture of Hehuang area. He Luchun, Vice Governor of Qinghai Provincial People's Government, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the museum.

Hehuang culture is one of the four major cultures of the Yellow River, which is in the historical evolution of ancient Qiangrong culture, with the Central Plains civilization as the main trunk, and constantly absorbs and integrates nomadic civilization and Western Regions civilization to form an inclusive and diversified cultural form, and its cultural connotation has the uniqueness of regional culture, the heaviness of history and culture, the integration of national culture, the plurality of folk culture, and the three-dimensional nature of ecological culture.

The picture shows He Luchun, Vice Governor of Qinghai Provincial People's Government, announcing the opening of the Hehuang Cultural Museum. Photo by Tsagentana

Known as the "Gateway of Qinghai-Tibet", Haidong City is one of the birthplace, core areas and bearing areas of Hehuang culture, with a long history and rich cultural relics resources. Over the years, the Haidong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have continuously strengthened the protection and inheritance of excellent traditional culture, dug deep into characteristic cultural resources, stimulated vitality with innovation, and achieved remarkable results in the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage in the city. In particular, it has made bold explorations in the protection and utilization of cultural relics, the reform and development of museums, and the innovation and creativity of cultural museums, and has achieved fruitful results.

The picture shows Gao Bo, secretary of the party group and director of the Qinghai Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, delivering a speech. Photo by Qi Zengbei

Gao Bo, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Qinghai Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, introduced that the completion and opening of the Hehuang Cultural Museum is of great significance for the comprehensive and systematic display of Hehuang culture, telling the story of Qinghai and the Yellow River, and protecting, inheriting and promoting the Yellow River culture, and the Hehuang Cultural Museum will surely become an important cultural landmark in Haidong City and even Qinghai Province.

"It is hoped that the Hehuang Cultural Museum will take the opening as an opportunity to further strengthen the core functions of the museum, such as collection, protection, research, education and display, continuously improve the efficiency of public cultural services, strengthen the research and interpretation of the value of cultural relics, strive to improve the level of display and exhibition and public service capabilities, promote the high-quality development of the museum, and contribute to building an international eco-tourism destination." Gao Bo said.

The picture shows Ma Rui, deputy secretary of the Haidong Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, delivering a speech. Photo by Tsagentana

Ma Rui, deputy secretary of the Haidong Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that a city with depth and thickness needs a first-class museum. The Hehuang Culture Museum, which has been built in five years, is an important window for Haidong City to tell the story of Hehuang and display the image of Haidong. "We will continue to innovate and make breakthroughs in strengthening the inheritance and protection of cultural heritage, and strive to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture."

It is reported that the cultural relics exhibited in the museum include stoneware, jade, bone ware, woodware, pottery, porcelain, bronze, gold, silverware, ironware, material ware, textile, paper and other 17 categories, nearly 1180 pieces (sets), precious cultural relics are characterized by bronze and pottery, in addition to coins, jade, folk intangible cultural heritage crafts, etc. (End)