Teller Report

Onlookers are coaxing "not jumping is not a person", human nature cannot be so ugly

7/3/2023, 11:17:20 PM

Highlights: An online video recently showed that on June 1, on a tall building in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, a young man wanted to jump off the building to kill himself. Someone downstairs stimulated him with words, shouting at him that "it's not a person if you don't jump", and there were people laughing next to him. On the evening of June 29, the local police issued a police report that 21-year-old Shen had been administratively detained in accordance with the law for making inappropriate remarks.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily on July 7, an online video recently showed that on June 1, on a tall building in Wuzhong District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, a young man wandered on the edge and wanted to jump off the building to kill himself, while someone downstairs stimulated him with words, shouting at him that "it's not a person if you don't jump", and there were people laughing next to him. A number of witnesses confirmed that at about 6 o'clock on the same day, the man jumped from a tall building and died. On the evening of June 29, the local police issued a police report that 21-year-old Shen had been administratively detained in accordance with the law for making inappropriate remarks such as encouraging jumping off buildings, causing adverse social impact.

In reality, in many emergency scenes, there will be some people watching the excitement, and even Internet celebrities will come to take photos and live broadcast to earn traffic. Among them, some onlookers are enthusiastic about helping others and will actively assist rescuers to rescue or even risk saving people in distress, some onlookers are "eating melons" to watch the excitement, and some onlookers will fan the flames, lest the world be chaotic, deliberately ridicule and stimulate those who want to kill themselves. Such cold-blooded and brutal practices by a small number of people are both unethical and suspected of breaking the law, and should not be taken lightly.

Whatever the reason, the suicide should be the object of sympathy and help. It is the duty and obligation of relevant departments to take timely rescue measures. Onlookers can also provide assistance within their capacity, such as calling the police, facilitating rescuers, and patiently persuading suicides. This is the moral character that people in a civilized society should have, and it is also the indispensable compassion of everyone.

Secondly, if onlookers do not want or are inconvenient to provide assistance, they just quietly watch and silently "eat melons", which is not prohibited by law. However, behaviors such as making trouble, encouraging suicide, and even shouting "not jumping is not a person" are obviously devoid of public morality and goodness. Using other people's lives as fun to make fun, a bargaining chip for jokes, and even material to earn traffic, in a way, is tantamount to "eating human blood steamed buns".

The tall building jumped down, and a life suddenly left, such a tragedy is heartbreaking. One detail worth noting is that the man stood on the top of the building for at least 4 hours before jumping off the building, which shows that his heart must have gone through hard choices and has a lot of nostalgia and reluctance for the world. In the meantime, if onlookers can give him warm enlightenment and appropriate dissuasion, perhaps tragedy can be avoided. Unfortunately, the last feedback left to him by real society was the verbal stimulation of "not jumping is not human".

Objectively speaking, it is difficult to judge whether there is a direct relationship between the final desperate path of the jumper and the instigation and stimulation of the on-site personnel, but the coaxing and instigation of the onlookers will certainly not play a good role, and even a reverse "assist", which has become the last straw that broke the camel.

Such a bad behavior is to base one's own happiness on the suffering of others, so that some people's insensitivity, cold-blooded cruelty, and vile darkness are exposed. Acts of provoking trouble and encouraging suicide are not only unethical, but also subject to severe moral condemnation and may entail legal responsibility. Because this kind of disturbance can easily lead to chaos at the scene, aggravate the difficulty of rescue, and hinder normal social order. The perpetrator shall bear the responsibility of public security punishment, and even bear criminal responsibility for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

It can be said that the perpetrator who coaxed "not jumping is not a person" to be detained is the real blame for his own self-inflicted fault, and he deserves it. The scene of an emergency should not become a "show" for the ugly and despicable side of human indifference, numbness, etc. For this kind of mischief that bases fun on the pain of others, the relevant departments should severely punish them, and then serve as a warning and deterrent, forcing the public's civilization literacy and awareness of the rule of law to improve, so that more people will no longer "act with evil", and retain the bottom line of why people are human at the onlookers. (Workers' Daily, Shi Fengchu)