Teller Report

Looks and Lessons | The Great Golden Opportunity in Netanyahu's Remarks

7/3/2023, 5:06:09 PM

Highlights: Netanyahu's statements are a great golden opportunity for the Palestinian leadership to open a new political phase. Netanyahu did not reckon with anyone, neither non-Arabs nor Arabs, when he openly declared for the first time his rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state. These statements provided the greatest evidence that resolving the Palestinian issue through the "two-state solution" formula is an imaginary solution that has nothing of the ingredients for success, other than being a waste of time and effort, passing years after some without achieving anything.

Netanyahu's statements are a great golden opportunity for the Palestinian leadership to open a new political phase in which it rearranges papers, perceptions and priorities, addresses intractable problems, and reforms.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not reckon with anyone, neither non-Arabs nor Arabs, when he openly declared for the first time his rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state and working to suppress Palestinian aspirations to obtain an independent Palestinian state.

However, these statements are considered a major golden opportunity for the Palestinian leadership that should not be missed this time as many previous opportunities were missed, regardless of the motives behind Netanyahu's statements at this particular time, the seriousness of them, and the source of power on which he relies as he makes them, indifferent to his Western allies or his Arab friends, this is all the business of Netanyahu and his government, and it does not matter to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership in anything.

What is important in these statements is the Palestinian position, the nature of the counter-action with which it can respond to them, and how this golden opportunity can be used for the benefit of the Palestinian people, ending their suffering and achieving their aspirations.

Netanyahu's recent statements are a major golden opportunity for the Palestinian leadership that should not be missed to get rid of the "two-state solution", as they are the biggest proof that this solution is an imaginary solution that has nothing of the ingredients for success, other than being a waste of time and effort.

The importance of statements

I apologize at the outset for following the series of US administration's strategy to prevent conflict and promote stability in fragile states, just for this article, in order to address the statements of the great golden opportunity launched by Netanyahu, as this article does not accept postponement. The importance of these statements is highlighted as follows:

  • These statements are a great golden opportunity for the Palestinian leadership to open a new political phase in which it rearranges papers, perceptions and priorities, addresses intractable problems, and reforms its internal situation and regional and international relations.
  • These statements provided the greatest evidence that resolving the Palestinian issue through the "two-state solution" formula is an imaginary solution that has nothing of the ingredients for success, other than being a waste of time and effort, passing years after some without achieving anything that promises that the solution is moving in the right direction.
  • This has prolonged the cause and compounded the suffering of the Palestinian people at home and abroad to no avail. These statements removed the embarrassment from the Palestinian leadership, both Arab and international, if it decided to disavow the two-state solution, as it provided it with sufficient justifications to refuse to continue with this solution, after Netanyahu's statements effectively made it finished, and thus the Palestinian leadership could deal with the two-state solution on this basis.
  • These statements put the Palestinian leadership in front of its historical duties to take an advanced step towards proposing an alternative political project that could end the suffering of the Palestinian people and end the Palestinian cause.
  • These statements put the Palestinian elites who proponents of the "two-state solution" project in front of the spotless reality that they were escaping from confronting and deceiving themselves insisting on adopting this solution.
  • His supporters among the Palestinian elites have no choice but to disavow him and apologize to themselves and their people for the long years that have been in vain, the strenuous suffering endured by the Palestinian people, and the deception they have carried out throughout this period to deceive the poor people who are mired in their endless worries, pains and tragedies, and to delude them that the two-state solution is the best solution.
  • It goes without saying that the Palestinian leadership does not need this kind of pretext to change its political positions in order to achieve the interests of its people and meet their aspirations, but for many reasons the Palestinian leadership has not done so and continues to adhere to the two-State solution to this day, despite knowing that these causes are the basis of the scourge, the mother of evils and the root of the disasters to which the Palestinian people are occasionally exposed under many pretexts.

    The Golden Opportunity statements should push all Palestinian actors to take advantage of the opportunity and recall the historical responsibility imposed by the current stage on them, in order to unite the national ranks, and to present an alternative proposal that puts an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people and achieves their legitimate aspirations, and to adhere to this proposal and insist on it at all costs.

    The Great Golden Opportunity and the Alternative

    These major golden statements opened the door wide for the Palestinian leadership to review its deteriorating political conditions and reposition itself strategically to live up to the challenges it faces and the aspirations that the Palestinian people expect from them.

    The greatest golden opportunity in these statements is to immediately get rid of the "two-state solution" project, and to adopt an alternative solution that actually leads to stopping the suffering of the Palestinian people and achieving their national demands on clear bases and a foreseeable and specific time frame, not as a tactical maneuver aimed at responding psychologically to Netanyahu's statements, but as a matter of a fixed strategic political vision, and seizing the opportunity to get rid of this unjust historical legacy, which has plunged the Palestinian cause into a dark tunnel from which it has not been able to get out to this day. This has been since the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 181 in late 1947, which decided to divide Palestine into two Arab and Jewish states.

    What alternative project can the Palestinian leadership adopt as an alternative to the "two-state solution"?

    I talked a lot in several previous articles about the alternative solution, and explained that the solutions presented to the Palestinian people since the dawn of the issue are:

  • The "one-state solution" project for the Palestinian and Jewish peoples.
  • The "two-state solution" project, one for Palestinians and one for Jews.
  • The "comprehensive liberation of the land of historic Palestine" adopted by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and adopted by the Palestinian revolution in its early beginnings, in the sixties of the last century.
  • As for the two-state solution, we are running after it in an extended desert mixed with blood, body parts, martyrs, wounded and tortured, until our breath was cut off, our throats dried up, and our feet sank into the sands of deception, hypocrisy, trading and disguise, so that Netanyahu showed us these shocking statements of the owners of this project, as if they did not know that their project was stillborn.

    As for the solution of liberating all of Palestine and expelling the Jews to where they came from, it is only a military solution, not based on a realistic political ground, and it does not have at all the elements of self-success, in light of the huge difference in the balance of power between the Palestinian and Jewish parties, and in light of the sweeping international bias towards the Zionist entity, and the comprehensive Arab inability to carry out such a solution over the next five decades at least, in addition to the fact that it has been tried for more than 70 years without real gains. Indicates that the editing process is nearing completion.

    The Palestinian people are left with only the only alternative solution, which is the "one-state" solution for the Palestinian and Jewish peoples, this solution that I did not find anyone to provide objective justifications for rejecting it and insisting on the two-state solution or the comprehensive liberation solution, and I explained earlier in my article about 3 years ago entitled The Road to One State the advantages of this solution and the initial steps to achieve it within a foreseeable time frame.

    Will the Palestinian leadership again seize this golden opportunity, or will it ignore it as it has done before?

    This question brings us back to the painful internal Palestinian political reality that the Palestinian cause has suffered from in the last four decades in particular: geography is divided and shabby, leadership is two leaderships, the joint national political project is absent, the compass is shaking in all directions, the home front is at its worst, and lurking is the master of the situation.

    Despite all this, I believe that the statements of the golden opportunity must push all Palestinian actors, including organizations, institutions, organs and community and trade union organizations, to take rational and wise action to take advantage of this opportunity and recall the historical responsibility imposed by the current stage on them, in order to unite the national ranks, and to present an alternative proposal that puts an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people and achieves their legitimate aspirations, and to adhere to this proposal and insist on it at all costs.