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Intelligent car "black technology" converges at the China Intelligent Vehicle Conference

7/3/2023, 7:36:36 AM

Highlights: Many intelligent vehicle "black technologies" appeared at the 3 China Intelligent Vehicle Conference. The conference was co-hosted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Society of Automation. It brought together more than 500 experts and scholars from the academia and industry in intelligent vehicles and related fields to jointly look forward to the cutting-edge trends in the field of intelligent vehicles. It is expected that China will have the world's largest intelligent transportation network infrastructure, especially in the integration of vehicles, roads and clouds.

Guangzhou, July 7 (ZXS) -- A four-turn four-wheel drive mobile robot chassis that can carry out indoor and outdoor transportation, an explosion-proof inspection robot that can patrol in complex open environments, and a passenger car that can carry out unmanned driving... Many intelligent vehicle "black technologies" appeared at the 3 China Intelligent Vehicle Conference and National Intelligent Vehicle Development Forum (hereinafter referred to as the "Intelligent Vehicle Conference").

Co-hosted by the Information Science Department of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Society of Automation, this year's Intelligent Vehicle Conference was held here from the 1st to the 3rd, bringing together more than 500 experts and scholars from the academia and industry in intelligent vehicles and related fields to jointly look forward to the cutting-edge trends in the field of intelligent vehicles and explore the road of technological empowerment industrial upgrading.

The reporter saw at the intelligent car conference that many intelligent cars with different functions and cool appearances were exhibited on the spot, attracting a large number of people to watch. Among them, a box-shaped white intelligent car used in the library scene impressed the reporter, which can realize the functions of self-service book borrowing and return, automatic sorting and human-computer interactive book delivery, reducing the workload of librarians and improving the reading experience of readers.

The most popular at the smart car conference is the inspection robot in the shape of a red armored car. The relevant person in charge of Xi'an Jiaotong University introduced that the robot is composed of a trajectory planning system and an automatic inspection system, which can realize the centralized management of multi-place leveling and remote integration, real-time aggregation of inspection data, and unmanned duty to ensure the safety of production and operation.

Ni Mingxuan, Chairman of the Smart Vehicle Conference and President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), said that he expects the conference to share the latest technology and development trends in the field of smart vehicles, attract more outstanding scholars and experts from all over the world, and jointly push the innovation and development of smart vehicle technology to a new peak.

Zhang Ping, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, pointed out that China will have the world's largest intelligent transportation network infrastructure, especially in the integration of vehicles, roads and clouds.

Zhang Hongke, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Beijing Jiaotong University, said that while traditional network technology has achieved great success, it is also facing new needs and challenges brought by special industry applications, and it is urgent to carry out network technology innovation to meet the urgent needs of the industry. (End)