Teller Report

Controversial feature on surrogacy acquitted by the Review Board

7/3/2023, 12:16:17 PM

Highlights: Swedish Women's Organizations argue that there were no critical questions about surrogacy. The Review Board states that the issue is controversial, but that the interview was clearly based on the couple's personal story and experience. They also write: "With regard to the selection process for obtaining certain hereditary traits described by the participating couple, the Board considers that it raises certain ethical issues that deserve better treatment, but the element was not manifestly offensive to women."Surrogacy is prohibited in Sweden.

In the TV show, which aired in March this year, Micael Bindefeld was interviewed about how he and his husband used a surrogate mother to have children.

The program was reported, among others, by the Swedish Women's Organizations, which argued that there were no critical questions about surrogacy.

In a press release, the Review Board states that the issue is controversial, but that the interview was clearly based on the couple's personal story and experience.

"The fact that the subject was portrayed unilaterally was therefore not a problem in relation to the impartiality requirement," writes the Review Board, mentioning that the host did not take a position on the controversial issue either.

They also write:

"With regard to the selection process for obtaining certain hereditary traits described by the participating couple, the Board considers that it raises certain ethical issues that deserve better treatment, but that the element was not manifestly offensive to women."

Surrogacy is prohibited in Sweden.