Teller Report

Austerity budget: Government cuts parental allowance

7/3/2023, 10:36:16 AM

Highlights: Family Minister Paus is halving the annual allowance for parents of young children. The amount will be reduced from 300,000 euros to just under 100,000. The change in policy will have a negative impact on young people, Paus says. It will also affect the long-term care allowance, which will be cut from one billion to one billion euros. The decision was made by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, which is responsible for the child care allowance. It is the first time the allowance has been reduced in this way.

In order to save money, Family Minister Paus is halving the income limit for parental allowance, according to SPIEGEL information – and warns of negative consequences.

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Cabinet members Lindner, Paus: Hard cuts also in parental allowance

Photo: Florian Gaertner / Photothek / Getty Images

The austerity budget for 2024 launched by Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) also leads to cuts in parental allowance. According to SPIEGEL information, only parents with an annual income of up to 150,000 euros will be entitled to this family policy benefit in the future. Previously, the income limit was 300,000 euros.

Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) is thus following guidelines from the Federal Ministry of Finance. According to the report, spending in 2024 is expected to fall by 290 million euros compared to this year to just under eight billion euros. Initially, benefit cuts in parental allowance were also discussed. However, the Paus Ministry was able to avoid this by restricting the circle of beneficiaries. According to SPIEGEL information, the Ministry of Family Affairs regrets that it is forced to make the cuts and warns of negative effects on the federal government's gender equality policy goals.

Currently, couples are allowed to receive child-raising allowance for 14 months. This is a state wage replacement benefit. It secures the income of young parents if they devote themselves to education instead of working in the first months of their offspring's life.

The child-raising allowance is not the only social expenditure affected by the austerity round. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) also has to make cuts in his budget. This affects the federal subsidy to long-term care insurance in the amount of one billion euros. It will be eliminated from next year.

Flo, Rei