Teller Report

"Two Malaysia Route" welcomes the 666666 th passenger with a total of 14026,<> Video

7/3/2023, 12:36:06 PM

Highlights: The "Two Malaysia Route" welcomes the 666666 th passenger with a total of 14026,<> sailings. Matsu teachers and students attending the 6th "Two Horses" Youth Culture and Sports Summer Camp arrived on the same boat, and they will also embark on a five-day study trip. It is reported that in January 2001, the first cross-strait maritime passenger route, the "two-horse route," was opened, providing convenient channels and convenient services.

The "Two Malaysia Route" welcomes the 666666 th passenger with a total of 14026,<> sailings

【Commentary】At about 7 o'clock on July 3, the "Anqi No. 14" passenger ship carrying 90 passengers slowly entered the Mawei Langqi Passenger Terminal in Fuzhou Port. Matsu teachers and students attending the 6th "Two Horses" Youth Culture and Sports Summer Camp arrived on the same boat, and they will also embark on a five-day study trip.

【Commentary】Ou Zining, a sixth-grade student from Matsu Jieshou Primary School, was the first passenger to disembark, and on the same day, she was also honored to be the 666666 passenger of the "Two Horse Route". Inside the Langqi Bus Station, the staff presented her with flowers and souvenirs.

【Simultaneous Scene】

Congratulations on becoming the 666666 lucky passenger on our "Two Horse Route", congratulations, please go this way, we will take you through customs.

【During the same period】Matsu elementary school student Ou Zining

This is the fifth time I have come, I have come here for classes before, and I was surprised and happy that I was so welcomed and hoped to learn more new knowledge on this trip.

【Commentary】Wu Jiayin is the leading teacher of the "Two Horses" Youth Culture and Sports Summer Camp, and this is also her second time to visit Fuzhou on the "Two Horses Route" passenger ship. The one-hour flight, convenient and fast, impressed her. Wu Jiayin also hopes to take advantage of this exchange to walk around the mainland more.

【During the same period】Matsu led the teacher Wu Jiayin

It takes about an hour to arrive by boat, in fact, children chat with classmates on the boat, play some small games, in fact, soon, they will not get seasick, and then they are very happy and looking forward to coming here and communicating with the children on the ponytail side.

It is reported that in January 2001, the first cross-strait maritime passenger route, the "two-horse route," was opened, providing convenient channels and convenient services for the continuous and close cross-strait personnel exchanges. It has become an important maritime channel for cross-strait personnel exchanges and economic, trade and cultural exchanges and cooperation.

【During the same period】Summer camp leader Wang Limin

This convenience of transportation has also led to an increase in cross-strait interaction and enhanced cross-strait feelings. This time, our students have 30 students, who came to do cultural and sports exchanges, so that students can have the opportunity to study with children from the mainland.

The reporter learned that up to now, the "two-horse route" has operated a total of 14026,66 voyages, with more than <>,<> compatriots on both sides of the strait.

【During the same period】Qian Rongcheng, deputy station manager of Fuzhou Port Mawei Langqi Bus Station

During the peak summer season, our passenger terminal provides many convenient services for passengers, such as herbal tea for free, and then there is one-on-one service by volunteers for special passengers to create a more comfortable and pleasant journey for them.

Reporter Wu Shengwei reported from Fuzhou, Fujian

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]