Teller Report

"Summer Vacation" scams target students

7/3/2023, 6:46:03 AM

Highlights: Police in many places recently issued risk warnings and typical cases on summer fraud to remind students to guard against telecom fraud. Unlike the fraud activities aimed at adults and the elderly, the types of fraud commonly used to target student groups mainly include online part-time bill fraud, online game fraud and online shopping fraud. For primary and secondary school students, obtaining parents' mobile phones, account numbers and payment passwords is an important factor. For adult college students, it is insufficient experience in anti-fraud and personal information protection.

In July, students across the country have ushered in the summer vacation, it should be noted that fraud has also entered the "summer file", targeting the student group to carry out precise fraud. On July 7, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily noticed that the police in many places recently issued risk warnings and typical cases on summer fraud to remind students to guard against telecom fraud.

Just on July 7, the Huangshi Internet Police disclosed that the Huangshi police recently received a student alarm, and Ke, a first-year college student in the jurisdiction, reported that he was defrauded of more than 1,8000 yuan by impersonating a classmate. According to Ke, "college classmate" Liu sent a loan message to Ke through his mobile phone QQ, saying that his family had surgery in the hospital and was now in urgent need of money. Subsequently, Ke remitted a total of 8895,<> yuan according to the remittance account number provided by the other party.

After completing the transfer, Ke received a message from Liu again, saying that his QQ number had been stolen and had just been recovered, while reminding the classmates not to be deceived. Only then did Ke realize that he had fallen into a trap, so he immediately rushed to the police station to report the case. At present, the case is being further investigated.

Coincidentally, a student in Ningxia encountered a single-digit telecom fraud when he was looking for a part-time job online after the college entrance examination. According to the information disclosed by the Ningxia police, the student entered a "network part-time" chat group through web search, and the group administrator guided him to download the brushing software, mainly operating the recharge rebate task. After making a small profit in the early stage, the group administrator prompts the student to increase the recharge investment and carry out continuous tasks. After recharging more than 6,59909 yuan, the student realized that he had been deceived. Fortunately, after receiving the police, the Ningxia Lingwu City Public Security Bureau promptly contacted the bank to stop payment and freeze the fraudulent account involved in the case, and finally recovered 100,<> yuan, nearly <>% of the loss.

For this kind of fraud work for student groups, Yu Baicheng, chief researcher of Houxue Research, pointed out that the fraud against students mainly occurs on social networks, mostly using topics of interest to students, such as games and making money, as bait to gain trust, and take advantage of students' credulity and fear to implement fraud step by step. Among them, for primary and secondary school students, obtaining parents' mobile phones, account numbers and payment passwords is an important factor in the success of fraud, and for adult college students, it is insufficient experience in anti-fraud and personal information protection.

The Beijing Business Daily reporter further sorted out and found that unlike the fraud activities aimed at adults and the elderly, the types of fraud commonly used to target student groups mainly include online part-time bill fraud, online game fraud, online shopping fraud (impersonating customer service refund fraud), QQ or WeChat impersonating teachers and classmates and other acquaintance fraud, and even coercing and luring students to sell "two cards", building fraudulent communication equipment and other "trust crimes". Take advantage of the limited experience of the student group, immature mentality and easy intimidation, and guide students to transfer money through their parents' payment accounts.

According to the information disclosed by the police in various places, during the summer vacation and other holidays, students' exposure to electronic products such as mobile phones and computers has increased, and they have also been exposed to more online information, so they are more likely to become the target of accurate hunting by scammers. In this process, the parents' financial accounts are the real targets of the scammers, causing actual financial losses to parents by guiding students to provide verification codes, bank card numbers and other information.

"Telecom fraud is still spreading in hidden corners, and it will recur in certain scenarios, and it is difficult to disappear." Wang Pengbo, chief analyst of the financial industry of Broadcom Consulting, commented that fraud models such as online games and part-time swiping are in line with the characteristics of student groups who are deceived, because their own experience is limited, and it is difficult to identify scams. Relevant departments must do a good job of risk warning and transmit anti-deception information to students through various channels.

Yu Baicheng stressed that fraud against students is extremely harmful, not only property losses, but also has a great impact on their psychological and social cognition. Therefore, in terms of prevention methods, first, it is necessary to increase the punishment and publicity of such cases, explain from the police, schools and families, let students understand fraud routines and prevention methods, and consult parents and teachers if they have questions; Second, parents and individuals should do a good job in the management of sensitive information, mobile phones, bank cards, passwords, etc. should be protected so as not to give fraudsters an opportunity.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Liao Meng