Teller Report

Riots: "We're going to fart the accounts," says Dupond-Moretti speaking of social networks

7/1/2023, 5:55:39 PM

Highlights: The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, said that 30% of the rioters arrested are indeed minors, young individuals, daily users of social networks. For the executive, the culprit is all found: Snapchat, the application that allows you to film and broadcast ephemeral videos. The threat of obtaining the identities of troublemakers and removing sensitive content is above all to scare, says a member of the majority. But in reality, it is much more complicated than expected, as explained by Fabrice Epelboin.

Following the numerous clashes in France, the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti denounced the use of social networks during the riots. For the executive, the culprit is simply Snapchat, the application that allows you to film and broadcast ephemeral videos. Faced with this, the Minister of Justice wants to strike hard.

Alexis Delafontaine, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credit: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 19:44 pm, July 01, 2023

Following the many clashes in France, the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti denounced the use of social networks during the riots. For the executive, the culprit is simply Snapchat, the application that allows you to film and broadcast ephemeral videos. Faced with this, the Minister of Justice wants to strike hard.

The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, said that 30% of the rioters arrested are indeed minors, young individuals, daily users of social networks, and especially during riots. For the executive, the culprit is all found: Snapchat, the application that allows you to film and broadcast ephemeral videos. Faced with this, the Minister of Justice wants to strike hard.

"We're going to fart the accounts"

Éric Dupond-Moretti, visiting the court of Créteil, violently attacks the young person responsible for the violence and sends them a direct message. "Let the kids know clearly that we are going to fart the accounts. The Judicial Authority can, on requisition obviously, ask operators to deliver IP addresses, which obviously allows us to arrive at the identity of those who use it to say when and where and how we will break this, it is unbearable, "he assured.

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The threat of obtaining the identities of troublemakers and removing sensitive content is above all to scare, says a member of the majority. Because in reality, it is much more complicated than expected, as explained by Fabrice Epelboin, professor at Sciences Po Paris. "Messages on Snapchat are temporary, ephemeral and therefore they last for a short time, enough to attract, through geolocation, other people to a riot site. Thereafter, they are not intended to stay on the platform, they withdraw on their own. We would have to be in the instant and it is not feasible, "he says at the microphone of Europe 1.

And Snapchat isn't the only network that's causing problems. Twitter too, because the company, says the must refuses, can refuse to remove violent content in the name of freedom of expression.