Teller Report

Consolidating the foundation of the modern industrial system, how can China's industry "grow from big to strong"?

6/30/2023, 11:55:41 AM

Highlights: China's auto industry has achieved a "counterattack": in the first quarter of this year, 107.<> million vehicles were exported. China has 41 industrial categories, 207 industrial categories and 666 industrial subcategories. China is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the U.N. Industrial Classification. A series of historic achievements have been made in recent years, but they are still constrained by some "stuck neck" technologies. The lack of high-end supply capacity has become a key constraint affecting high-quality development of China's economy.

(Economic Watch) To consolidate the foundation of the modern industrial system, how can China's industry "grow from big to strong"?

Beijing, 6 Jun (ZXS) -- Question: To consolidate the foundation of a modern industrial system, how can China's industry "grow from big to strong"?

China News Agency reporter Xia Bin

China's auto industry has achieved a "counterattack": in the first quarter of this year, 107.<> million vehicles were exported, surpassing Japan for the first time and becoming the world's largest auto exporter. Among them, the sales of new energy vehicles have contributed a lot.

Since the beginning of this year, China's industrial field can be described as "good news", C919 large passenger aircraft successfully completed the first commercial flight, marking the official arrival of domestic large aircraft to the majority of consumers; As a symbol of the highest level of the shipbuilding industry, China's first domestically produced large cruise ship was successfully undocked and has formed a series of scientific and technological innovation achievements...

Building a modern industrial system has become one of the key research issues in China's economic work, and Han Wenxiu, deputy director in charge of daily work in the Office of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, wrote that modern industry is the most important foundation and core of a modern industrial system. Industry is the foundation of a country, and manufacturing is the foundation of a strong country. The overall modernization level of the industrial system of various countries mainly depends on the modernization level of industry.

According to official introductions, at present, China already has the world's most complete and largest industrial system. China has 41 industrial categories, 207 industrial categories and 666 industrial subcategories, and is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the United Nations Industrial Classification.

However, Han Wenxiu also pointed out that there is still a gap between China's industrial quality and efficiency and that of developed countries, and it is necessary to continue to improve the level of technology, output efficiency and economic benefits, strive to cultivate a number of strategic industries, and accelerate the cultivation of a number of world-class enterprises, brands and industrial clusters.

Lian Ping, chief economist and president of the research institute of Zhixin Investment, believes that at present, the lack of high-end supply capacity has become a key constraint affecting the high-quality development of China's economy, and it is necessary to overcome and master the key technologies of products through independent innovation.

How should China's industry "grow from big to strong"?

Wen Jianning, a professor at Shanghai Lixin Institute of Accounting and Finance, believes that in order to realize the fundamental transformation of China's industry and manufacturing industry from large to strong, the key lies in the improvement of the quality and quantity of the real economy, especially to make great efforts to improve the technology and advanced nature of the manufacturing industry.

In his view, it is necessary to do a good job in two aspects: one is to thoroughly modernize traditional industries through technological transformation and innovation; The second is the modernization and development of the emerging "intelligent manufacturing" industry, in the field of advanced technology, through scientific and technological research and patent research and development, the strategic advanced manufacturing enterprises are given priority development, and then gradually formed into an industrial cluster with a clear main line and consistent penetration.

Huang Wentao, chief economist of CSC Securities, said that industrial upgrading is the core requirement of the modern industrial system at the "development" level, and it is also the core content of new industrialization. A series of historic achievements have been made in recent years, but they are still constrained by some "stuck neck" technologies.

Well, where will the breakthrough be?

"The main direction of China's industrial upgrading is to focus its development on the real economy, focus on consolidating the leading position of advantageous industries, promote the development of strategic emerging industries, promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing, accelerate the development of the digital economy, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy." Huang Wentao said.

Li Bohu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that although facing problems and challenges such as talent supply, innovation ability, and resource utilization efficiency, intelligent manufacturing is an important breakthrough and focus point for promoting new industrialization.

He pointed out that intelligent manufacturing can improve production efficiency, improve product quality, achieve optimal allocation of resources and green environmental protection, and promote industrial upgrading, create new employment opportunities, and optimize talent structure, thereby accelerating the transformation and upgrading of China's industry, realizing the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of industry, and further consolidating China's status as a manufacturing power.

In addition, intelligent manufacturing will help China make major breakthroughs in innovation in key areas, and the industries it has formed are also important emerging industries in the digital economy in the new era.

As Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China, said, China will adhere to the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, consolidate the advantages of the complete industrial system, maintain the basic stability of the proportion of manufacturing, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system by forging long boards, making up for short boards, and strengthening the foundation. Focus on transforming and upgrading traditional industries, consolidating and extending advantageous industries, cultivating and expanding emerging industries, and making forward-looking layout of future industries. (End)